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Time to Eat-Clean!


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great thread! eating clean makes a HUGE difference in your energy level as well. i admit that i LOVE BREAD too which always makes me fall off the wagon. but there are gluten-free bread options that are made with rice flour. you just have to find places that make it. luckily i live in northern california and there are soooo many good restaurant options that serve vegan, gluten-free and sustainable food.

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Yea I live in Austin, and I am a vegetarian, sometimes I tell people that here in Texas and they look at me like I just committed a crime!!! LOL They love their meat here


I am from SoCal originally so its the norm there! The benefit of living in Austin is Whole Foods are EVERYWHERE since they started here and corporate is here. They are expensive, but I can find my specialty foods there.

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i'm a holistic nutritionist and i don't agree with most diets...

but i do agree with the 'eat clean' lifestyle, i think all people should follow these rules.

there is so much amazing food out there to eat that isn't processed, and healthy


i have a long history of stomach disorders and the only thing that i can do to control it properly without relying on prescription medication is to control what i eat. the eat clean diet has saved my life.

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  • 6 months later...

Hi, just wanted to get this thread going again, as I'm starting the Eat Clean Diet by Tosca Reno this week and wanted to share success stories with others that may have tried it in the past and/ or just starting it.


For those of you that may not have the book, Tosca Reno is a contributor to Oxygen magazine and has been living the eat clean diet for years herself. She said she started when she reached a weight of 220+ lbs and just couldn't take it anymore. She's now in her 50's and looks AMAZING! 


Her whole plan is based around eating whole foods...i.e nothing processed, refined etc...All proteins are from lean meats, and have a vegetarian plan as well. Carbs come from vegetables and fruits, complex grains which are packed with nutrients and fiber! Fats are also encouraged and are the healthy fats like olive oil, avocado, Omega 3's, nuts, coconut oil etc. 


She lays out a meal plan and there are 2 options: Cooler 1 - This can be used for 2 weeks only and jump starts your weight loss of up to 10lbs+/- in those 2 weeks. Then there is Cooler 2- This is for slow and steady weight loss (2 lbs/week). Then the Maintenance Plan. 


I'm going to start with Cooler 2. I think if I start with Cooler 1 I may set myself up for failure, since it's pretty restrictive/bland/boring haha! I'd be more apt to do that right before the wedding when it's crunch time! I'm 5 months away, so still plenty of time.


My goal is to lose 10 pounds (135 to 125). And I'm working out with a personal trainer 3 times per week. If I'm not in shape after this I can only blame ME! lolol


Good luck to anyone else out there that may be trying this plan. Please let me know how you did, share you meal ideas!!!!!



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Good luck and enjoy the plan! I lost 11lbs (147 to 136) by eating clean and working out about 5 days a week (running, spin, swimming, weights and yoga) in about 3.5 months.  I would recommend buying Tosca's Eat Clean Cookbook for some excellent recipes.  Some of my favorite are the spinach soup with quinoa and inca porridge.  Don't forget to drink tons of water and you will succeed!

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Originally Posted by seaprincess View Post


Good luck and enjoy the plan! I lost 11lbs (147 to 136) by eating clean and working out about 5 days a week (running, spin, swimming, weights and yoga) in about 3.5 months.  I would recommend buying Tosca's Eat Clean Cookbook for some excellent recipes.  Some of my favorite are the spinach soup with quinoa and inca porridge.  Don't forget to drink tons of water and you will succeed!


That's awesome! I think Tosca just came out with a new book last week as a matter of fact...I'll have to go and check it out!


I need more ideas than salad with chicken on it lol, and oatmeal for breakfast!

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I've never really heard of an actual "eat-clean" diet, however i dont' really pay attention to 'diets' anyway... it's all about eating right ALL the time!! ;)


Anyway, incase you are interested, I've recently transformed my blog into a healthy living blog - http://tidbitsfrommymind.wordpress.com where I include daily healthy meals and recipes.  Also check out my "Blog Roll" page for links to many other healthy living bloggers.  Two of my favourites are Healthy Tipping Point and Oh She Glows. Take a looksie! :)

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Thats exactly the point of the eat clean diet - eating a whole food, natural diet all the time.  The use of the word 'diet' in this sense is the authentic definition aka the type of food a person consumes.  The eat clean diet it is not a "diet' but a lifestyle.  I have been eating this way for over a year and I feel the best I have ever felt.  More energy, less weight and clearer skin.  It is lifestyle that occurs in a progressive manner, making gradual small changes until eventually it is the only way you eat.


Feel free to read back to the beginning of this thread for information, it sounds like it would be right up your alley.


Originally Posted by Lua View Post

I've never really heard of an actual "eat-clean" diet, however i dont' really pay attention to 'diets' anyway... it's all about eating right ALL the time!! " class="bbcode_smiley" height="1" src="http://files.bestdestinationwedding.com/images/smilies//wink.gif" title="wink.gif" width="1" />


Anyway, incase you are interested, I've recently transformed my blog into a healthy living blog - http://tidbitsfrommymind.wordpress.com where I include daily healthy meals and recipes.  Also check out my "Blog Roll" page for links to many other healthy living bloggers.  Two of my favourites are Healthy Tipping Point and Oh She Glows. Take a looksie! :)

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Originally Posted by seaprincess View Post




Thats exactly the point of the eat clean diet - eating a whole food, natural diet all the time.  The use of the word 'diet' in this sense is the authentic definition aka the type of food a person consumes.  The eat clean diet it is not a "diet' but a lifestyle.  I have been eating this way for over a year and I feel the best I have ever felt.  More energy, less weight and clearer skin.  It is lifestyle that occurs in a progressive manner, making gradual small changes until eventually it is the only way you eat.


Feel free to read back to the beginning of this thread for information, it sounds like it would be right up your alley.




Thanks but I was just trying to offer some input for the OP funinthesun that's all.  Wanted to give her some blog references where she'll find some great recipes and such. :)


No need for any sort of diet or lifestyle change on my end.  I suppost i've been 'eating clean' for as long as i can remember and am happy just how I am :)


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