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Time to Eat-Clean!


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Originally Posted by seaprincess View Post
Hey, thanks for asking! Its going really well - today is day 24....and apart from some weak moments at Starbucks, it is going really well! I have had less headaches, not nearly as bloated and I'm down a few pounds. I think the biggest change is that I have sooo much more energy. I have gone pretty much sugar free, except the occasionally chai tea with organic cane sugar. I haven't found the agave nectar in either of the stores I shop at, so I am still on the search.

I actually got my free trial of the Clean Eating magazine in the mail today, so I'm looking forward to trying some new recipes.

My hubby is enjoying the recipes but he is complaining he's hungry b/c he is not eating every 2-3 hrs so of course he's going to be hungry. I am absolutely not hungry, and I am not looking at it as a diet. I am enjoying the way I am feeling and being more conscious of my food choices. I will probably continue beyond my 100 day goal b/c I am committed to the philosophy.

That is so inspiring to hear!! That's when "diets" are the most successful; when they are not a diet per say, but a lifestyle change!!

I'm going to get my book tomorrow, and I will be doing the eat-clean on monday...even though I'm already eating pretty good I am open to ideas! :)
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Hey girls, I made this clean-eats Quinoa Broccoli Fritatta the other day. It's from Oxygen's April '09 issue. Turned out better than expected and my vegetable-phobe, meat and potato only husband wants me to make it every week. Haha.


1 egg

2 egg whites

1/2 skim milk

1/2 fat free cheddar, shredded

sea salt to taste

1 cup quinoa, cooked

1 14oz bag of frozen broccoli (I used 2 cups of fresh broccoli)


Mix eggs, milk and add cheese, salt. Put cooked quinoa and broccoli in an oven-safe skillet, pour egg mix over it and cook over medium-high heat until eggs are set around edges. Place skillet under broiler until middle is set and edges are brown.


I think next time I'll double the recipe and have more for leftovers. It re-heated well the next day at work. Filling too! I heart broccoli.

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I am loving this! I don't this will be a diet for me I think I'm going to just do this permanently. I haven't really delved into the Eat Clean diet cookbook yet because to jump start myself I'm doing a 2 week plan they recommend that is a bit more restrictive. I wanted to start there because I want to feel and see the benefit from going all out before I commit. But even the restrictive plan is not really that hard for me. I always pack a lunch at work that includes a snack for mid morning and mid afternoon so it wasn't hard to just change around the composition of those snacks to fit the recommendations.


Thanks for sharing this, it's really helped me take my eating to the next step. I've even eaten out a couple times and been able to find things on the menu that fit right into my restrictive plan just by modifying things slightly.


Oh, and the Agave I have is made by Wholesome Sweeteners, Inc out of Sugar Land TX. It's a low glycemic index sweetener that absorbs into the body slower so there isn't a spike in blood sugar. It's actually sweeter to me than sugar so I just add a little to my morning meal and it takes away the kind of bitter taste from the ground flax seed and wheatgerm.


Brandon won't join me on the restrictive plan but he's looked through the book and agreed (rather grudgingly) that he actually likes most of the recipes so when I back off on the extreme part he said he thought he could live with it.


While I was browsing for recipe ideas I came across another book that's awesome. Clean Food, Terry Walters, Book - Barnes & Noble


It is separated into 4 parts. Each part is geared around fruit and vegetables that are harvested in that season and easier to find locally and fresh. The only downside is it is 100% vegetarian ( I don't mind but B was not impressed) but the collection of recipes are all really easy and I love the idea of taking advantage of the best local crops in their peak.

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My personal trainer is a huge fan and supporter of Tosca and her books and I've been following the Eat Clean plan since February, most of the time :) I'm down 30 lbs and feel super! I definately agree with the lack of bloating and the way that eating all the time has really shifted my thinking and perceptions about dieting. I was so suprised when I started with my trainer when she told me that eating this way, I should be eating about1900 calories a day. I'm on a bit of a plateau right now but am sticking with it and only have 8 more lbs to go to reach my goal weight! One of my favourite recipes is the STUFFED PEPPERS! Yummy!

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Hi ladies! Just wanted to check in and let you know how things have been going. I have been able to slowly modify my choices to better represent the clean eating lifestyle since I initially read the book.

Since September, I have switched from flavoured packaged oatmeal to plain oatmeal/steel-cut oats, switched from nonfat vanilla yogurt to plain 0% Greek yogurt, swtiched from white rice to brown, and I have minimized my process food consumption to almost nothing.


I have completly eliminated soda, even though I still only drank it rarely. I only drink water, green tea, milk and 100% OJ in the morning with my breaky.


I still have almost no headaches, and when I do get one it is usually because I haven't eaten on schedule (I eat every 3hrs) or I haven't gotten enough water.


This change did not happen overnight, and the last 4 months or so have been a process of replacing one thing for another. The slow change has made it a lifestyle and not a diet, and is something that I am doing for my health not my weight - even though it has been a pleasant side effect to lose a few lbs along the way.


In addition to my food choices, I have re-dedicated to a more consistent exercise routine and I got to the gym 5-6 days a week. I have always loved exercise, but its easy to let it slip when things get busy. Instead I plan my rest days around the evening I may be home later than usual or have something going on. I find it easy to make time on Sat & Sun so I rarely miss a workout there.


I am by no means perfect, and I occasionally eat "non-clean" foods but instead of being a daily treat, its more like a monthly one. I have so much more energy, less bloat, and no headaches when I eat this way, and I notice an immediate negative difference when I don't. I also recently bought the Eat-Clean cookbook to help come up with new recipes and ideas.


I hope my experience helps someone who has been considering it to give it a try, and if anyone has any questions, please feel free to ask. I am so happy I picked up this book and gave it a try because it really has made a world of difference.

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I wanna try it too!!! I admit I LOVE BREAD that is my weakness, anything doughy and yummy is a downfall for me. I get sugar cravings too, but usually only around "that time"


I want to lose 10-15 lbs max so i think the eating clean will give me the results I am looking for. My wedding isn't until March of next year but the downside is, I have another holiday season to survive before I get there YIKES!!!!!!


Thanks for the info, I will look into the book, I like trying new recipes!

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