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Random 5 things


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Super fun! I think i'll play too :)


1.On my senior year spring break in Key West, Bob Barker from The Price is Right got down on one knee and proposed marriage to me in the middle of a karaoke bar.

2. All 5 of the kids in my family have summer birthdays.

3. I had a pet pig growing up.

4. I have a minor obsession with lip products. I just counted 14 in my purse ranging from lip gloss to chapstick.

5. I fall asleep while getting pedicures lol

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  1. I once had tea with the "High Chiefton" of a desert oasis in Morocco (looooong story).
  2. I lived and worked in the Canary Islands (Grand Canaria, Spain) for two years.
  3. I feel really guilty about using plastic water bottles but I use them every day anyway.
  4. The first time that I saw my fiance I had a gut feeling that I had met my future husband.
  5. I am horribly allergic to avocados...  which sucks, because I love them.  :)
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what a great thread!!


1. I am an Excel junkie. People at my company call me the "Go-To-Excel-Expert", and it makes me incredibly proud.

2. I hated college. It was three of the worst years of my life, and I graduated early to get out of there.

3. I was a county 4-H fair queen in high school, and I still have the crown and sash!

4. I hate mushrooms and peppers.


(I just asked FI to supply #5 and he said the following:)

5. "Tell them you can cook the shit out of some kielbasa! Oo, can we have that for dinner tomorrow?!?" LMAO I love this guy.

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ok this is my new favorite thread; 1. i really love my last name and don't want it to change, it's my connection to my father who is amazing and my fi doesn't even talk to his dad (bad divorce when he was a kid) but i love him more so i guess my namr will be changing 2. i can't watch say yes to the dress or a baby story without crying 3 my best friend lives 36 hours away i miss her everyday 4 i have a guilty pleasure of the hills and the city and teen mom lmao fi makes fun of me(and im 31 not a teenager hahha) 5 i worry alot about being too old too start a family i don't want to be retired when our kids r starting college (yet we just keep gettn older lol)


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1.  I am almost more excited to wear my wedding shoes than my dress b/c I LOVE THEM


2.  I still have trouble remembering FI's birthday b/c my Daddy died right around his birthday and between his funeral, death date, and FI's b-day, I  get them confused.....is it the 25th or 27th?  We'd only been dating 3 months when Daddy died, and FI was so great during my grief.


3.  My girlfriends are taking me to Vegas for my bachelorette party and I am SO EXCITED for some time to party with my girls!


4.  Speaking of Vegas, the last time I was there my friend and I ended up throwing craps for Bernie Mack and his brother at 4am after clubbing and won them $350,000


5.  I have probably seen over 1000 babies born, and I still get teary with nearly every one:)

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Ok, I want to play!


1.  My FI and I both don't want kids so we have our faux-evil plan to be super nice and nurturing to our nieces and nephews so (out of guilt) they will take care of us when we are old (even though we would love them anyway)

2. I am obsessed with cell phone games (right now, it's Angry Birds on Android) and usually play them a dozen times throughout the day, even at work.

3.  I have worked at the same restaurant for over 5 1/2 years, and worked my way up from server to bartender to shift manager to General Manager which I have been doing for over 2 years with no college degree.

4. When me and my FI first met, he had a girlfriend!  He showed up at my work the day after he broke up with her.

5. I wish I talked to/visited my family more often (out of state)...I hate thinking that I have nieces and nephews who will barely know me.

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Originally Posted by weddingaway View Post


Ok, I want to play!


1.  My FI and I both don't want kids so we have our faux-evil plan to be super nice and nurturing to our nieces and nephews so (out of guilt) they will take care of us when we are old (even though we would love them anyway)

2. I am obsessed with cell phone games (right now, it's Angry Birds on Android) and usually play them a dozen times throughout the day, even at work.

3.  I have worked at the same restaurant for over 5 1/2 years, and worked my way up from server to bartender to shift manager to General Manager which I have been doing for over 2 years with no college degree.

4. When me and my FI first met, he had a girlfriend!  He showed up at my work the day after he broke up with her.

5. I wish I talked to/visited my family more often (out of state)...I hate thinking that I have nieces and nephews who will barely know me.



I'm stealing your #1.  This is totally my husband and me.

2.  I have no idea what I want to be when I grow up.

3.  I've never eaten a blue M&M.

4.  We're trying to relocate to Denver, but I'm so clueless of how to make it happen.

5.  I commute 2 hours each way to work everyday (4 hours total).

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1.  My fiance and I do not want kids (though I have told him I am only 95% sure because if the baby crazy switch gets flipped there won't be anything I can do about it).  We even call our dog our "son". 


2. My fiance and I met online and I am still a bit embarrassed to scream it from the rooftops while he has no problem with it.  However, we did write in to eharmony and we got free visors from them that we will take a few pictures in either at the rehearsal or the TTD.


3.  I called my Mom to tell her that I was engaged and then she told my Dad when he came home.  The first words out of his mouth were "Pack your bags!"  I had not mentioned a DW to them (I wasn't going to jinx getting a ring!), but my Dad knows his little girl.


4.  It seems that each time I go on a cruise, someone close to me dies.  The first cruise it was my grandmother and the second was my uncle.  I would get back to the airport and turn on my cell and I would have a voicemail with the bad news....


5.  My fiance and I went to rival universities - we have the house divided flag and all.  I have to fake rooting for his team when they are playing anyone but my team but deep down I want them to lose so badly.  I was trying to force myself to have my garter be for his team, but I just couldn't do it.  So I found a lady online that would put both schools on a garter...now I won't have to gag as I put my garter on for my wedding day!

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