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One week or two??


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  • 4 weeks later...

We're staying for 2 weeks. We're traveling down with all our guests and our parents and siblings are staying with us for one extra week. We're both really close with our families it'll be nice to spend time with them after everyone else leaves. The resort we're getting married at is large enough, that if we want some alone time we can still have it.


We're also having an AHR in August, and we're going on our honeymoon after that. So we don't mind staying the two weeks with any friends and family that want to be there with us.

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We decided to stay on for an extra week too, I'm so glad now that we did. I'm looking forward to having that fun first week with family and all of the wedding excitement and then after that the two of us will have some time alone to decompress. I don't think it will be too long at all- probably not long enough!

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STAY FOR 2-WEEKS!! Maybe consider switching to a different resort...we're moving on to a Couples resort (in a different city)for our second week...I have heard numerous girls say that not staying for an extra week was their biggest regret!! Do it!!

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  • 3 weeks later...

We are planning on going for two weeks as well. I agree with the others ... the first week is going to be so busy with the days and excitement leading up to the wedding and you will be sharing your time with all of your family and friends. It will be nice to have a week with your new husband to relax and enjoy ... just the two of you.

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