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drunk SPEECHES?!?

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so...i was talking to someone who says the best piece of advice she can offer anyone about to get married is: NO SPEECHES on your wedding day (except from parents). she says that it is because as brides, we get to control this ONE DAY and the last thing we want is to let someone else screw it up. she also says that the rehearsal dinner is where speeches should take place.


i never thought about it until she brought this up and i REALLY like the idea. not that i have a bunch of alcoholics as friends, but i certainly have some drunks as friends who can talk and talk! shots.gif lol.


so we've decided (be real: I'VE decided) that speeches will happen at the welcome dinner...and on the wedding day we will have our parents speak and we will give a little speech as well...but as far as MOH and BM - they are for sure on welcome party day.


anyone else have a good/bad experience with speeches on wedding day/welcome party?


thoughts? popcorn.gif

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interesting. i'm actually thinking that no matter what day the speeches happen people at my wedding have the possibility of being drunk. its all inclusive and the MOH & BM are arriving days before the welcome dinner & actual reception/wedding day.


i know my MOH & BM very well so i trust that they won't get hammered. and if they do and they totally screw up the speech, its definitely be a memory so I'm just going with it!

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For a different perspective - my sister gave a beautiful speech on our wedding day that would not have had the same meaning the day before. We limited speeches to BM, MOH and the dads. At our rehearsal, FI said a few words. But you know your guests best and if you think there's a strong chance of runaway drunken speeches, your plan is a good one!

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We had NO speeches at our reception!

My husband spoke and I spoke...but that was it :-)

Both of us had been to weddings where some drunk relative had made either a very long and boring and/or inappropriate speech...so we nipped the potential problem in the bud :-)


But yes, I think it depends on your crowd...there were a few people at our reception we were concerned about...

(and not just about fun, drunken speeches...we saw the potential for making people feel uncomfortable...Uugh:-))

Plus, my best friend said she gets nervous speaking in public and would prefer not to....


It's just what worked for us:-) DH's dad made a speech at a dinner the next night :-)

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I really like your idea of having the speeches at the rehearsal. I've been to several weddings lately where the speeches were long and included lots of inside jokes that most of the crowd didn't get. This way, the people at the rehearsal will be more likely to already know the story, and if they don't it won't be too hard to fill them in

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I really think it depends on the group. Most of our friends and relatives are well-behaved. In terms of speeches, we had MOH, BM, Parents and DH and I. The way we set it up was such that people could make a toast which would give them a chance to say a short bit.. and would make us kiss.. and it worked perfectly. We had 5 ppl get up and make a toast - keep in mind each was about 1 minute.

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