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Drop Out Disappointment


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So, I'm getting married in Maui in October. There have been a lot guests that are dropping out of coming. Don't get me wrong, the wedding must go on... but can't say I'm not disappointed. Just venting... anyone out there feeling the same way? I guess that's just the reality of having a destination wedding...

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I think we have all experienced that disappointment...its definitely hard and impossible not feel sad about it. But looking back i wish i hadn't focused so much on who wast coming. It made part of the planning process not fun. Once you get over the initial disappointment i think its REALLY important to focus on who is coming because no matter what your wedding will be amazing!!!

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You're surely not alone. When we sent out our invites the response we got led us to believe that there would be about 50 guests coming. A year later and we're down to 17!! Some people just bailed, some got pregnant (2 sisters/2 FSIL) and so on and so on.


I agree that it's a bit of a bummer but try not to let it get you down. I've gotten over it by spending more time and money (since I only have to make things to 17 ppl now) making it special for those that are going to be there. Oh and we're having an AHR too now so I'm excited for that. It's like I get 2 weddings!

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Yeah I think it happens to most of us too! I know it has happened to me, I'm a little disappointed, but mainly feeling bad for my FI since it has mainly been his family backing out. His dad and step mom can't come (b/c of health problems, which is totally understandable, but sad) and his sis is pregnant :-( But all that matters in the end is that the two of us were there, sharing one if the most special days of our lives. Yay!

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oh im right there with you. our wedding is oct 3 and people are dropping out ! I was planning on doing the 3 hour reception w the dj and all the flowers etc but I think I am going to skip that and do an AHR now. the resort we are staying at will let us set aside an area for our guests and do dinner after the ceremony.

I must admit i am really bummed but what can we do with things the way they are with everyone, either people have been sick or they just cant afford it. i cant complain about that. i wish i could afford to bring everyone with me that i want there!!!

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Awww thats really tough Rhomarie!!! One of my best friends who ive known since i was 6 years old - pretty much a sister couldn't come because she was (and still is) in Iraq. I was SO upset and cried but in the end there is nothing you can do, but i definitely know how you feel!


I promise you though that on your wedding day you will look around and be so happy and grateful for the ones who did make it.

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I'm not KLee, but an AHR is an "At Home Reception." It's so you can have a party with all the folks that couldn't come or weren't invited.


We had a number of folks dropped out of going to our wedding due to financial reasons. It's a hard time right now with folks getting laid off (even my fiance). It is the risk you take when you plan a DW. The bright side is that the wedding ends up being a much more intimate affair, so you get to spend time with everyone! Plus, it's much, much easier to plan and you won't be so stressed.


Too bad about your MOH, but her health is very important during a pregnancy. Plan on having an AHR later and then everyone that had to cancel can be included!


P.S. We are getting married in Maui 4 days apart from one another! :)

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Originally Posted by rhomarie View Post
Thanks Ladies! I was crying at my desk at work as my MOH just broke the news that she can't travel due to complications in her pregnancy. I feel much better now after reading this... And you're right. It is about us :) KLee147 - what an AHR?
Oh don't be sad. It will all work out you'll see. Heck once you're there and you can see the sand and surf you won't even remember I bet.

AHR is an At Home Reception. We decided to do a nice soiree so that a) no one would have an excuse to come celebrate and B) I want to wear my dress again! lol.
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