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Our "first" fight over wedding projects


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hahaha, love 'Groomzilla'! I'm totally calling FI that next time he pulls a hissy fit on something...


Last night he said something about having no idea what's going on with our wedding... I'm like, then PAY ATTENTION! Geez, I have basically done ALL the research and running around so far (and this is just the BEGINNING) and just come back to him for the executive decision (and to make him feel included)...


Then we started talking about our 1st song... every song I mentioned to him, he didn't like... but said that new Kayne song (Love knock down or something) reminds him of us and I said, yes, but that's a FAST SONG, we aren't doing our 1st dance to that...


Bahhh, sorry, hijacked.gif just had to vent!

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Oh, Emme...girl, I know where you're coming from! The men want their bride to take care of everything on one hand, and then they want to be the "involved groom" on the other -- make up your minds already, GENTLEMEN!!!


My FI and I had a similar issue with our invitations (each is comprised of a sheer, printed top sheet and a separate solid back sheet that need to be tied together with raffia ribbon), and when he tried to help, I just had to remind him that they were too expensive to just "slap" together, and that while I appreciate his enthusiasm, this is a project I'd like to take care of on my own. I reminded him that there will be plenty of other things for him to help with before the wedding, but that our invitations are the 1st impression people will have of our DW, and it's important to me that they are just "so", and then he understood.


Don't apologize for being anal, Em -- 'tis the way of the BRIDE! wink.gif

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Originally Posted by marryinghimagain View Post
They just don't get it! I agree with KLee147, I would sooo totally do that, just fix them when he isn't around.
I totally agree with that!!! Just let him do what he wants and then fix it!
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I am definately the one doing all the research and planning but I do go to my FH to get his input. If I am stuck, he usually has an idea that makes it simple. He has such a way about him that makes such complicated things seem so simple. Makes me wish he was the one doing all the planning and crap while I sit around and play world of warcraft :P

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Ok- I do the same thing. If my Fi wants to be involved he always pulls a fit about the way I want things done. I have been planning and getting stuff together for this with a specific vision in mind and he comes in and wants to change it so that it doesnt even make sense anymore, the concept is totally thrown off. I learned to let him do what he wants then change it. He never notices. He picked our logo, it was the most uncoordinated logo with our stuff out of everything we got to choose from. So I said "ok baby" and ordered the other one that I liked. We got it in and he says "see! I told you it would look good!!!" .... yeah, you told me alright! Boys are so funny...

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rofl.gif now that is funny!


Originally Posted by *Kerin28* View Post
He picked our logo, it was the most uncoordinated logo with our stuff out of everything we got to choose from. So I said "ok baby" and ordered the other one that I liked. We got it in and he says "see! I told you it would look good!!!" .... yeah, you told me alright! Boys are so funny...
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