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Hello all,



I just wanted to share what I have made so far. As of Sept 13th, we will have been engaged for a year so far we have mailed out our STD letters/magnets/and informal RSVP postcards. We sent out about 90+ informal RSVP postcards but unfortunately we had only rec'd about 20% of them back AND they all had return stamps! Asides from that, I had a great time making them! A few of my guests actually didn't want to return them because they were so pretty! LOL! I have been frequenting this site for quite a while now so along the way I have gotten TONS of great ideas from you ladies! Please forgive me for I don't have names from those of you that have contributed to my STD's but if you see an idea that was yours thanks!!!! smile03.gif



Forgive me for the quality..LOL! No scanner!

These magnets I had ordered from Vistaprint. They are great! We actually had to change our original date and had to order a new batch of magnets! They always offer free stuff so reordering wasn't bad at all!

Click the image to open in full size.


This was the front of our postcard, again from vistaprint..

Click the image to open in full size.


Back side of postcard...

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This was our letter...I just wanted to show the beautiful letterhead that Vistaprint had...So perfect for our theme!

Click the image to open in full size.



These stickers I made on Zazzle. I still have yet to use them for something. I just thought that they were so appropriate for our theme..so I just went ahead and ordered them! LOL!

Click the image to open in full size.



Well I hope you ladies like and possibly even get some ideas....

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