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I think I made a mistake-- Wedding Dress

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Hi BDWers,


I need some honest opinions and I know that you all will give me your true feelings in a constructive way. Please know I appreciate it in advance.


Anyways, I went to pick up my dress today. It made me feel sick to my stomach. I've been worrying for months that I picked the wrong dress & I didn't know if it was b/c its so much fun to look at all of your dresses or if something is really wrong with my choice.


When I tried on the dress today I wasn't in love. Don't get me wrong-- I do love the dress but I just am thinking that its not the dress to make me look fantastic. Please take a look at the pics and let me know what you think about it's style and me. Keep in mind that I'm short (5'1")-- does the dress make me look cut off?


Thanks so much for all of your honesty and opinions in advance!


Love ya-- H


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Well I think the dress looks great on you, and I happen to love that dress in particular. It might appear more cut off, because it needs to be hemmed. I think once it is hemmed it will look alot different. But if you are really not loving the dress, I say go for 2 dresses. I had the same thing happen to me, and then I went and found another dress "the one" for the ceramony, and then will use that dress for the reception.

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Honestly - thats an incredibly sexy dress and I can see why you picked it.


From the back I think that it look amazing! very sexy, and I think it elongates you with the vertical line down your back


From the front - I think you are right it does cut you off a little, I think it is a combination of the bulk of the straps and the length of the dress


That being said - I would look at your options for altering it as I think with some creative changes it could be the 'one' :)


Here would be my suggestion - dont touch the back - but make it the feature of the dress. Cut off the bit at the front making it strapless (the bit still goes up the front and bust, just finishes at the top of the dress. I would get straps made out of the ivory fabric that goe from the back of your neck (connecting it to the top of feature up your back) and have the sraps connect the the outer edges of the bustline (essentially turning it into a halter). You would also need to shorten it. The white halter would elongate the dress at the white will travel up to the top of your shoulders insted of cutting off at the bust.


Anyway, thats just my suggestion but I'm no steamstress!! Hope it helps anyway - just something to think about - maybe it is the 'one' and you just haven't digged deep enough just yet :)

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You asked for an honest opinion, so I will give you mind. It is a beautiful dress but I think that it does cut you off a bit. I absolutely love the back though!! Why not try to have it altered a bit, I am sure it will then be perfect. I know how you feel, I went to pick up my dress last week and have the same problem... good luck to you, I am sure that whatever you choose to do, you will look amazing for you bid day!!

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