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Does anyone know?

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Hello everyone! I have read awesome ideas on here about brides who brought pre-postaged postcards with them and gave them to their guest and had their guest mail them home from Jamaica to the bride & groom. I think this idea is sooo wonderful! I want to make postcards on Vista (AWESOME website by the way!) and put our monogram on them, address them to ourselves and include them in our guest OOT bags! I want it to say something like, "In lieu of a wedding guestbook.....we would like you to fill out this postcard with your favorite memory while staying here in Jamaica! Please give this pre-postaged postcard to the concierge desk prior to departure back home so we will get them when we return from our honeymoon and we can make our guestbook from your postcards mailed from Jamaica!" I hope this isn't a stupid question but - How does postage work in Jamaica? Is it any different than here? For those of you who have gone, do you think the concierge desk would be ok with this? If any of you can think of creative ways to word the postcard better, I'd love to hear your thoughts! Thanks!

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don't know if my first post was clear....so you plan on having your guests leave their post cards at the front desk and leaving it up to the front desl to put them in the mailhuh.gif? Sorry I may dumb, but I don't quite understand lol please fill me in thanks you

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I think the front desk would definitely mail your cards for you - surely they have a way to send outgoing mail from guests. I don't know how you would go about getting the stamps. Do you have a wedding coordinator? They might buy some for you (for a fee of course, but it would be worth the cuteness of getting all the postcards)

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Instead of having the guests bring the cards to the front desk- maybe you can have them leave it in a box at the reception area. Then you can mail them to yourself. It sounds a little silly but they may be more inclined to fill it out there and leave it then. They may not remember to do it at a later time.


In addition to writing about their time in JA, they can include well wishes to the married couple.

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Yes I will have a note on th epostcards that say bring postcard to the concierge desk. (I am just assuming they will send them out- I guess I can let them know ahead of time)...or should I just say FRONT DESK nad not CONCIERGE desk?? I will email my wedding coordinator re: Jamaica postage. If anyone knows, please fill us in! :-)

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