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You girls must be so excited! Your day to shine is almost near!! Wishing you girls the best of luck! Enjoy yourselves and let us know how everything went (which I am sure everything will be perfect) Cannot wait for your reviews!!




FutureMsMoulton and TonyandTricia

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Thank you, Thank you!! I will definitely post a review as the forum has been a tremendous help to me!


Veronica: I ordered my flyboy petals probably at the beginning of January and they have been sitting in my closet ever since. I just pulled them out tonight to take a peak and they still look like they did when they first arrived.

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Tricia-- I'm glad to hear that the roses are holding up ok.. I was worried about them holding up for very long as they didn't seem very well packaged!


Ladies- HELP-- I am pulling my hair out of my head.. I have emailed my wedding coordinator 2 times this week and haven't heard back from her. I asked them to comp us a room for the night before the wedding since we aren't getting any free nights from them-- we don't need them with the package we got. The weather channel is saying rain showers for my wedding day and i am doing a beach wedding so I want to know what happens if it rains... I am SOOOOOOOO frustrated with my wedding coordinator-- I leave in 4 days- you would think she could find the time to soothe my nerves a little bit! Does anyone know any of the answers to my questions?

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Some one else on this forum had it rain during the reception...I don't remember who. They moved the reception from the outside terrace to an inside location and had it decorated. It seemed to me that they anticipated the rain coming and already had it set up in the inside location. As for a beach ceremony...I am thinking if it looksl ike rain you may be moved inside a gazebo....but that is simply my guess.


I am so sorry you have hdd so much trouble with getting contact with your coordinator. From my impression of the reviews I've read...and advice I have gotten from a couple travel agents...seems like once you are down there they will cater to your requests. This can obviously be very difficult to deal with as most of us want everything set in concrete long before we arrive...but it seems to be the way they deal with things down there. Right, wrong or draw. sad.gif Just keep trying...and definitely ask for the free room when you get there...obviously the worst they can say is no. Everything is always worth asking for!


Let us know!

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I am going to rip hair out of my head and be half bald for my wedding. 3 emails spaced out every 2 days for the last 6 days and still no response from my wedding coordinator. I am so hoping that you guys have a lot better luck with yours.

On a side note. I will be posting a HUGE picture loaded planning review when I get back, but for those of you who want to get bouquets done check out Realistic Silk Wedding Flowers, Natural Touch and Silk Bridal Bouquets they did a beautiful job (nobody can tell they are fake) and when I was upset with the wrist corsages they sent me the flowers I wanted so I can replace them-- for free. I highly recommend looking into them because thier natural touchs are really pretty and reasonable!

Well ladies this might be my last post because I leave in 46 hours for Cancun!

Happy Planning and we will talk soon!

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Originally Posted by FutureMsMoulton View Post
I am going to rip hair out of my head and be half bald for my wedding. 3 emails spaced out every 2 days for the last 6 days and still no response from my wedding coordinator. I am so hoping that you guys have a lot better luck with yours.
On a side note. I will be posting a HUGE picture loaded planning review when I get back, but for those of you who want to get bouquets done check out Realistic Silk Wedding Flowers, Natural Touch and Silk Bridal Bouquets they did a beautiful job (nobody can tell they are fake) and when I was upset with the wrist corsages they sent me the flowers I wanted so I can replace them-- for free. I highly recommend looking into them because thier natural touchs are really pretty and reasonable!
Well ladies this might be my last post because I leave in 46 hours for Cancun!
Happy Planning and we will talk soon!
Good luck and congratulations!!!! I'm sure your wedding will be beautiful! Once you get there promise to not stress over ANYTHING and enjoy yourself! :)
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Originally Posted by TonyandTricia View Post
Thank you, Thank you!! I will definitely post a review as the forum has been a tremendous help to me!

Veronica: I ordered my flyboy petals probably at the beginning of January and they have been sitting in my closet ever since. I just pulled them out tonight to take a peak and they still look like they did when they first arrived.
That's great to know! Thanks Tricia!

FutureMsMoulton, I wouldn't worry too much about the weather. Even if it says there will be showers they usually don't last very long at all (especially at this time of year) and then it will be sunny right afterwards... the weather is pretty bizarre down there. The rainy seasons are more in May-June and Oct-December. From what I've seen in the weather reports lately the showers should be pretty much over with by Friday... so your wedding should be safe :) If it should happen to rain they have backup locations for all wedding receptions.

On a side note... it looks like I may be having to cut a lot of the things that I had planned for our wedding sad.gif My fiance got laid off of work on Friday and it's been really rough trying to decide what to cut out and what to keep. We have our trip and most of the important stuff for our wedding paid for (dress, suit, wedding bands, etc.) however we might have to change our dinner reception to a cocktail reception instead. We're already using our included dinner as a welcome dinner and I want to try and keep it that way. It really sucks because I just got my table overlays and they are 90" so I'm sure they'll be too big for the cocktail tables (tall tables). I just hope we'll be able to keep some of the things we really wanted.
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