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For those looking to book spa appointments in advance, contact Reyna Nunez.


Reyna Nuñez Olivera

Spa Sales Groups Manager

Moon Palace Golf & Spa

[email protected]


I sent an email just inquiring to Reyna and she emailed me back the answers to my inquiries and a reservation explaining that the spa is booking up due to the promotion dollars. I was so glad I emailed her in advance...I was just going to wait till we got there.


Good luck!

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Hiya, just wanted to say a HUGE thanks to you all for posting such valuable info!! You have really helped me out with my planning - getting wed on Nov 12th and am soooo excited!!

Are there any other November brides at MP on here? xx

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are yall as addicted to trip advisor as i am?? its making me so paranoid reading all the horrific reviews (i no i shouldn't read ...but there is no stopping me)


im getting so worried about the beach/ocean being so nasty, and im having a BEACH wedding and wondering...."what am i thinking" im actually considering shuttling everyone over to sun/beach/cancun palace for the ceremony.



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i think you're being silly and you shouldn't worry. have you read all the reveiws on here? who cares about tripadvisor, it's the real brides you need to listen to and i haven't seen ONE bad review! I get married on the beach at the MP four weeks today (YAY!) so when i'm back i'll tell you all about it and give you my honest opinion. but i really think you have nothing to be worried about, it'll be fabulous!! x

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Originally Posted by asbarret View Post
are yall as addicted to trip advisor as i am?? its making me so paranoid reading all the horrific reviews (i no i shouldn't read ...but there is no stopping me)

im getting so worried about the beach/ocean being so nasty, and im having a BEACH wedding and wondering...."what am i thinking" im actually considering shuttling everyone over to sun/beach/cancun palace for the ceremony.

It is not worth it to read those reviews. Generally when I write a review it is because I am really mad. This is bad but if I have a good experience, I am happy and I just don't bother to write a review. I think that is 75% of all people as well. So for every bad review there are 3 people who were really happy with it.

There is a thread on this forum about what brides would do again, wouldn't do again and what they would change. Reading through that the consistent advice is don't stress! Generally what most brides stress about, guest don't notice and rarely remember. I think shuttling everyone over to sun/beach/cancun maybe too much of a headache in the end. I would just stay at MP. In most of the pictures I have seen the beach looks great.
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Originally Posted by doblauvelt View Post

My wedding is set for April 16, 2010 at 5pm. We chose the Emerald package (which seems to be the least popular so far lol), but we both love green! Anyway, we haven't decided on a gazebo or anything like that as we haven't heard from a WC yet.

I did recieve this .pdf file of the gazebos if anyone wants to check it out.

Hi would you be so kind as to email the information on the gazebo's, as I am not able to open the attachment. Thanks so much

email is [email protected]
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I'm here right at MP right now & just to let you know the beach is piled very high with seaweed (especially at night when they stop running the tractors). I think Alex (the storm) has a lot to do with it. The water has been very rough the entire time we have been here. It's just beginning to settle down. The tractors run all day to clean up the beach, but right now they can't keep up with the seaweed. I've been here before and although there was some seaweed on the beach the tractors that come by were able to clean it up--that's not the case this trip. But that being said, I wouldn't change a thing about my MP wedding. We got married in a gazebo and it was wonderful. We went down to the beach to take pictures & the tractor was there to clean a stretch of beach just for our pictures. They were able to get the area pretty clean & I'm sure they would do that & more for a wedding that would be taking place on the beach. I can't say enough good things about my MP wedding and will start working on my review once I get home on Sunday.

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Hiya, this is a question for those of you who have already been to MP - Which side if the best to stay on? What are the differences between Sunrise and Nizuc? There are 4 of us going so we want to be on the same side but I have been wondering if there is a 'better' side...


Your thoughts are much appreciated x

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