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Shocked at my friends negativity!


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LOL! one actually had us buy $900 bridesmaids gown..granted they paid half..but still 500 for a dress that was so ugly I couldnt stand wearing it or have I ever worn it again. And i dont even spend that on dresses for myself...I should do that! lol.

I wont even bother though..for myself I dont even want a bridal party..i told him i rather just have my sis as the MOH, his best man our families and thats it..so its up to him if he wants his groomsmen then i'll have to suck it up.

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Karen - I know


Even my FI's female friends have been nothing but supportive...


I guess maybe being female people have a picture in their head of the way the way thay always pictured you getting married??


I'm hoping that in time everyone will get on board - and originally we weren't doing an AHR and now we are, so hopefully people will put up or shut up :)

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eh..tell them to shuttup! Same here though with his female friends..super excited, calling me giving me ideas all that good stuff..my friends? if u get me a good price ill go, or another is saying if she will be pregnant she cant fly(mind you she isnt pregnant), march is a bad month..im officially done I told him if we have your friends there thats enough for me lol. I dont know if its that females pictured you getting married i think its that they picture you inconviencing them, which is sad considering what you give & what u get in return.

Thats nice that you're doing an AHR..I love your date by the way!

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Both mine and hubby's friends displayed equal amounts of douche-baggery when it came to our wedding. Its a hard pill to swallow at times, but dont let it get you down. The majority of us have had to deal with the same issues. Enjoy your wedding planning and your wedding and screw anyone who doesnt enjoy it along with you! smile03.gif

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