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No they liked it. He wanted to go back to Moon, but Tony and I thought it may be fun to check out a different resort too so we looked up other ones with golf courses and my dad decided that he wanted to try Iberostar. We'll see! I'm getting so excited. I need a va-cay so bad! I hope you had a good birthday!

Originally Posted by FutureMsMoulton View Post

Tricia- Out of curiousity did your dad not like the golf course at Moon?  I know that the 4 some that went golfing liked the course but lost 56 balls on it because it is rediculiously hard!

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Just breezing by to say hello!! Miss you girls. Tricia... I know that letter thing was something wasn't it. I felt guilty for 2.2 seconds ;). It's the norm in NYC it has happened to me so I guess I was paying it forward...So bad I know. I am a good person I promise lol. How are you and how is the practice coming along.


Well Dreams ended up screwing me over. Remember they tried to still charge me for the two nights that I DIDN'T stay at the resort? For a little while I had both rooms credited back to my card, well someone changed the dates that I checked in and out of their hotel and we got stuck paying for one of the nights. I don't know if it was the hotel or www.bookit.com, but we were screwed royally. Oh well.. that might be karma coming back because of something I did..like write a fake note or something lol.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Wow... they change the format (I hate how hard it is to find this site) and we all kind of abandon it... thank goodness for facebook so I can keep up with you guys!  Maybe we need to start a facebook feb bride 2010 fan page!


Timberly that sucks that you got charged after all!

Teshy & Sabrina -- We are getting so close, I had a hospital scare and got contractions, so they pulled me off of all flying.  Not fun.  At least I know now that i want to bring warm socks, my own pillow and blanket and some snacks.


Tricia- When is your trip again?


Everyone else... miss chatting with you hope life is treating you good!

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I think the new format is ruining it for us! :) I miss hearing about your lives!!


Brooke, thanks for asking, we just got in late last night from Mexico. We stayed at Iberostar. It was nice, we really liked it. Of course I had to go check out the beach weddings. All I have to say is Whew! So glad we didn't get married there! There was a beach wedding going on and the aisle was literally 5 feet from sunbathers (including old men in briefs) on one side and a big parasailing booth on the other! This man went over to the foot rinsing station which is RIGHT NEXT to the aisle and cleaned his feet inbetween the bridesmaid and the bride walking down. People were running over the aisle to get to the next side DURING THE WEDDING!! Tony said it was too painful to watch and we left. I would post pictures (that I took from a distance), but I worry that the bride may be a BDW bride.


Mexico was good for us for more reasons than just a fun get away. I hadn't mentioned it before because it's just been too painful to talk about, but Tony and I have had a really, really rough summer. I miscarried at roughly 8 weeks in July. I had a D and C in July and then another in August because the first one wasn't successful. Even to this day I still have to go in for weekly blood draws because the hormones just refuse to leave my system. I have just been an emotional wreck for sometime now. Chris has been kind of enough to listen to me and help me through it especially in the beginning when it first began. We are hoping that my body finally fully recovers soon so that we can get back to normal!! I wasn't looking forward to Mexico at all because that is just not where I had imagined myself back at the beginning of the summer. I had already emotionally prepared myself to not drink for 9 months and now when I drink I get depressed so was worried about Mexico, but it actually went good! I drank and was happy to! :) Sorry to be Debbie Downer, but that's what's been going on with me! Looking forward to the next few months and better health!


Brooke, I saw your bump pictures on FB! You are a beautiful mama!! I hope everything is going well with everyone else! I still want a February bride meet up!


Oh ya, and my dad doesn't know what a margarita is and embarassed me everytime he ordered a "tequilla margarita" last week. They just looked at him in confusion.

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Hi girls!!!  I think Brooke had a fabulous idea- start a Facebook page!  I am going to go do it now!!!  I miss you all. 


Tricia, I am glad you had fun in Mexico and I miss our chats!!!  I hope you don't think I abandoned you but I actually got in trouble about a month back for using work email.  Ugh,  That was so humiliating.  So I don't touch it now and when I get home I always seem to run out of time to email.  I got an iphone recently so that has helped! xo


k, I officially declare this thread a bust.  Jk.


If you aren't my friend on Facebook PM me and I'll make sure you get added to the group.


Hugs & kissed to my girls.

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HI!! well I am not sure where to reply to now, I just clicked on the FB link you put up Christina and it got me here... I have tried a few times unsuccessfully to get to here but I cant find the thread. So nice to read about everyone.


Christina, thanks for starting the group and linking me here. I miss you girls!


Im sorry Tricia to hear about your loss this summer. Im glad for you that you were able to get away with your family to have some fun. 


I am excited for your (Brook, Sabrina and Teshy) impending births. This year is flying by.


Austin and I are good. We keep traveling to Tampa for baseball games, have joined a kickball league and are preparing for marathon (or for me 1/2 marathon) season. I went to the UK with my mom to visit the grandparents a few weeks ago and it was really nice to spend time with my mom and family. I have been in private practice now for 2 months and am starting to get referrals (and be busier, although I have to say, I am totally enjoying having less stress, and more time to work on projects at home). 


This coming Wednesday I go for round 2 of fertility testing. I had blood drawn the other month and they say I have enough eggs to party (Im 36, 37 in Dec), no cystic fibrosis and no rubella. This week I go for an HSG where they flush your fallopian tubes with a liquid that you can see on xray. I am told that a lot of people get preggers after this. Austin and I have been trying and not stressing (honestly I wish there were more years in a woman's fertility so he and I could just cruise and travel for a few more years without worrying about it) but I am an oldie (but goodie) so here we go on the fertility stuff. I am actually pretty nervous about the HSG. Its going to hurt- kind of like a DNC bc they have to open your cervix. Nothing compared t childborth I suppose. I wish they would give me valium. I had lasix on my eyes about 10 years ago and the dr offered me valium and it was to best.... nooooo problemo ... anyway. Wednesday is the day. Cross your fingers for no big blocks. (if my tubes are blocked then pretty much the only solution is IVF and thats 12k a pop and like 25% success!


I am not sure if you ladies will see this here or in the group. I will report it there. 


I hope all are doing well. I can believe summer is over, I want it back!!


Oh and one last fun thing... Austin and I are going to the Dominican Republic in Feb for a February Destiination wedding.... on my my BMs is marrying her FI there on 2/5 .... they were at our wedding and said it was so fun that they wanted to do the same. Also one of my bffs and one of Austin's groomsmen hit it off in Jamaica and now they are living together in Manhattan (she is from So Cal!!)... Ah love in the air :)


Have a great weekend!



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Nice to hear from everyone! I still regularly check the forum when I have downtime at work, but it's gotten kind of lonely here!


Ali, hope the practice is going well! I thought that private practice would be more stress, but you're right! Less stress and we don't have to be on someone else's schedule! I hope the HSG is successful and gives you better luck. During my second D and C the doc noticed a uterine abnormality so if I have trouble next time I think I will also need to get a HSG to help completely diagnose the problem. I'd love to hear how it goes. No sedation at all? I had zero pain, but also was totally out! And how fun to have another February wedding to look forward to!


Hope everyone has a great weekend!

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Hi ladies... stressful day yesterday. Had my HSG. It did hurt when they put the catheter thing in, but just for a minute, I took deep breaths and it was ok. The nurse had told me before hand that occasionally women had to go home from work after the procedure but not usually. I was ok physically but found out that both of my tubes are blocked and all of the planning of dates and cycles are of no consequence because my eggs dont get to the tube... bummer eh? So needless to say I would have been one of the ones that couldnt have gone back to work... not from pain but from devistation sad.gif(((( Anyway, looking on the bright side today. There is a top 10 in the US IVF clinic in town and they are running a deal, 3 tries for 12k. 41% success rate per try for my age. If Im planning it, Id like to have twins. And there are other techniques for opening fallopian tubes like deep tissue massage and acupuncture. Oh the things you find out in a day :) Anyway, wish I had known sooner, I think my age is ok but in another 2 years the effectiveness rate for my age goes down. So not too much time to fool around.


Thats my news. I was just thinking Breens and Brook, your little bambinos are due so soon! That will mean 10 months of marriage for us all, right? I am looking forward to the pictures :)



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Alison, I'm sorry to hear about your results. I can't imagine how you must feel, but glad that they discussed your options with you. I know it doesn't make it any easier, but I do have 2 good friends that just went through IVF after about 4 years each of trying and one has a beautiful one year old and now pregnant with another after her FET last week. The other just found out that she's expecting too! There are many wonderful success stories and I pray that yours goes just as well.


Tricia xoxo

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Alison - I'm really sorry to hear that.  Although you wish you'd known sooner, you know now and can get on it right away.  That is quite pricey, but I'd say worth it.  Tricia is right - there are a lot of success stories and I wish you all the best.  Hang in there girlie!! xoxo

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