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Ok ladies... Sorry for the TMI lately... needed to share with someone... However Sue has some good news.  I ran into an old friend two weeks ago and he chatted me up about what I have been doing the past five years.  He is part owners with another gentleman of a local to ontario grocery store chain.  He called me last night and we chatted again, he offered me a job today and I accepted.... Yippeeeeeee and very scared!!!!  oh back to 9 to 5.  Yikes.. OMG not sure how I am feeling right now...

Otherwise ladies great to hear that the baby bumps are coming along and for those of you that have found out congrats.... I am on the fence not sure either way if I would find out or not.  Back in my day that info was never given to the parents.  I know with age i am not that great with the wait and see. 

Krista I love your pics....

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Ha ha, I think it is so funny I was bumped down to a "noob" again with this new system!


Teshy, I am 23 weeks tomorrow!  Seems to be rolling by so quickly! 


We have been super busy as my sister in law is getting married tomorrow and we have a disneyworld trip planned in two weeks and friends in town...on top of that, hubby ends up getting an emergency appendectomy on Tuesday night, so to say the least, we have been busy!!!


Susie, I am so excited to hear about your new job!  That is wonderful and very exciting!


I will be around for October, no plans to leave.  I may be having a baby shower in the middle of the month, but plans still aren't certain yet.  So, whenever you ladies come into town I would be happy to meet up!


Well, anyhow, hope you ladies all have a fabulous weekend!

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Congrats on your new job, Susie!   Best wishes in your new endeavour...


I'm so looking forward to the long weekend here in Canada.  Hubby and I are going backpacking with a friend.  I guess I'll get to see how much this pregnancy has affected my stamina!


Have a great weekend, everyone!

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Good job Susie - everything happens for a reason.  Let us know how it goes.


Nothing too exciting going on here.  A couple friends and I are planning a baby sprinkle for another friend of ours (for her second baby).  I did the invitations and favours on the weekend.  I'm going to upload one of the favours (it's a candy bar wrapper).  There are other zoo animals as well with matching backgrounds, but same idea.  Not sure if this pic is going to work - it's been awhile ha ha ha


Okay I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong...help!!!!!  I posted the IMG code from photobucket.  Has something changed?

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Hello girls!!! Remember me??? hee-hee!! I've been so busy, sorry for being MIA for the last month! My sister came for a visit to Shanghai so I have been preparing for her arrival for a while. My boss unexpectedly gave me the whole week off to spend with her. So we tore the town up! lol I turned "34" on July 22nd and had a great bday! We went to a Japanese Teppanyaki restaurant and had too much sake. Ha-ha!! We flew home (Michigan) on July 27th and fly back to China August 10th. We've been having a great time and it will be hard to head back to China next week! cry.gif

We are also having our kitchen remodeled after we head back to China... we picked out new cabinets, granite countertops, a sink, kitchen appliances and paint for the walls!!! What fun and we don't have to live through the dust, his brother will manage the project and it will be all completed before we get back in December... Yayy!!


Susie - Sorry for the drama... that's no fun!


Krista - Your pics are BEAUTIFUL!!! You looked stunning!!!


Baby Momma's - how is everyone doing? I've been trying to keep up with pics on FB... how are the bumps coming along? We have 4 momma's on here right?


As for me I won't be able to join you for the NYC trip... I won't be back until Christmas time. So have fun!!! Well.. time to wake the hubby up to get some errands done!!!


Have a good day!!!


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Hey Ladies-

I hate this new forum.... it doesn't even mark the ones I use to follow and its kind of confusing!  Not a lot going on around here, I am flying the next two weekends and then I have jam packed weekends coming up in Sept.  I am still planning on an october meet up in NYC with all of you though!

Last night I couldn't sleep because Jameson was awake all night kicking and i could not get comfortable, he is kicking enough that Justin can feel him now.  Justin's co-worker had a scary situation happen where his wife's proteins went crazy and they had to deliever the baby 3 months early- he was born at 1lb 7oz on wens.  I am was like thats crazy.... but he is doing ok so far.  I told our little guy that is unacceptable and he has to stay in there! lol

Hope all is well with all of you!


Susie- Good Luck on the new Job! I'm sure it will be great!

Erica- Yea for remodel and you not having to live through it!

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Brooke -- glad to hear little Jameson is active.  Our little one is pretty active, too, although my hubby can't yet feel the movement, just me (I'm almost 20 weeks).  When we went to our ultrasound last week and I got the pictures, I took one look and said, "I love you so much already, baby, and I haven't even met you yet!"  I can't wait until that day!


Hope everyone is having a good summer.  It's hard to believe it's been over 5 months since we all got married!  My next task is to complete our wedding scrapbook.  I'm hoping to have it done before baby arrives, 'cause then I'll be working on that scrapbook.


Happy Friday!

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Hi Ladies,

 I am so hating this new formate... I know stop it just change and change is good.

Welcome back Erica, we have missed you.  Glad you're having fun with your sister, I have been looking at your fb pics... Happy Birthday


Oh ladies, long time ago but I do remember the baby moving at night and keeping me awake.  Now he keeps me awake by coming home late.  Enjoy the time it'll go by fast. I love the ultra sounds pictures and DVD's, when I had by son, I got a grainy picture that looked like an alien.  These images today are so real, you can actually see what the baby looks like.


I am excited to start my new job tomorrow, still have a couple projects to finish for my clients over the next two weeks and my business will be officially closed.  YIKES


take care Sue

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Hi ladies!!


I haven't checked in too much because not much is new with me. I just got back from Dallas. Of course the absolute wrong time of the year to go to Dallas!!! It was steamy. The good news is that I did my test sober flight and passed with flying colors! WHooHoo! :) So...I could make it to NY except that my parents have decided that they want to return to Moon Palace to celebrate their wedding anniversary that weekend. I'm totally excited to go back to MP, but sad I will miss the meet up. If there's another one a weekend that I'm available I would love to meet up sometime!

Sue-congrats on the job!

Mamas-glad to hear that everything is going great for you all!

Erica-hope you had fun in the US and wishing you safe travels back home

Timberly-my mouth dropped at your fb update! tsk, tsk. :)

Everyone-i agree...thumbs down on the new format!



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