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Oh Ladies!!


The sun was shining bright, there was a breeze and the drinks and food flowed!!!!

We had almost a 100 people over the day the majority of them stayed from start to finish. I was beaming the entire day and so was Mark, like our wedding day all over again.

I have to say not one tacky gift, my favorite gift was a card with an acknowledgment for a $500 dollar donation to "Doctors without borders". Isn't that the koolest ever. Funny gift, was a card with 5 twenties and hand written poem, but they forgot to sign the card. We are trying to do some narrowing it down to find out who it was.


Oh the best was one of Mark's coworkers (young hippy boy) Wrote best wishes to both our you and thank god you don't have to die alone.... hahahahaha that was the funniest ever!!!!

I will post pics on Facebook soon...

Take Care Sue

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Hi Ladies :)


Sorry I have been MIA... I am just that boring, not that much interesting to say!


Krista (July)... OMG! A month to go!! I hope your attempts at tanning have become successful!


Susie.. Im sorry your FIL is a dick. And very thankful that you have such a great sense of humor about it. What more can one say.


Timberly, did the swelling in your hand go down? That picture looked terrible!!


Congrats Teshy! All (Brook, Sabrina, Teshy) I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to see your baby bumps!!! Im so jealous! We are having fun trying to hit the middle of the month days especially. All in good time.


Erica... I will keep my fingers crossed for you on the baby making :) although its still prob best if it happens after you get back stateside (right?)


We leave for our honeymoon in 9 days- Hawaii, and we booked a tour to go up a volcano to 13,800ft. And they wont take you if u r preggers so thats a benefit from not having started that part of life yet. I also keep having these feelings of wanting to travel (I love central and south america) with gfs and am afraid I will run out of time to do it all! I have enough frequent flier miles to get to South America, and I wanna use them!! Anyway, thats all that going on and end of school year, setting up work stuff. I think someone had asked a while ago what I do and I am an occupational therapist. I help kids with developmental delays reach their best potential (in a nutshell).


Do you guys hear much about the oil spill? Its soooooooo bad! The oil is coming to Florida and the Gulf of Mexico is going to be dead! We are looking into solar panels for the house to try and decrease our oil consumption. Sad sad sad.


I hope you all are well, does anyone want to make a plan to meet up in NYC in the fall or should we wait until after Krista's wedding?



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Hey guys... so uhm... I can't keep it in anymore... it's my turn to join the pregnant ladies! stork-baby.gif It feels so weird to say it because I am still in disbelief. I was really wanting to wait a little longer but it's so hard and right now only my mom knows and like three friends. It's too big a secret to keep inside! I am only 5 weeks and a couple days so it's really too early to be telling anyone. We have known for just over a week now and are starting to wrap our brains around it, lol. My husband was all like- I thought that this is what you wanted? Well yeah of course it is!! But it's still a life-changing event that takes some getting used to. I am very excited. I was convinced it was going to take a lot longer so I feel really lucky to have conceived within just 4 months (especially at age 35!!). So far I feel really great. I am too early for any nausea and morning sickness but I am convinced it won't happen to me, LOL. A week before my missed period I was having regular PMS cramping (but it just felt different slightly) and I also had severe lower back pain. I kind of just knew, but also didn't want to let myself believe. Anyway... pregnancy tests don't work all that great (certainly not like they say). I tested the day my period was due and got a big fat negative. So I thought I was just crazy and went on with my life (which unfortunately meant a little too much partying). fryingpan.gif

I continued to have slightly sore boobs, would cry at anything and was unbelievable exhausted but was in total denial. Then three days later it still didn't come so I tested again. This time I got a very faint positive, so waited and tested again the next morning. Still a faint positive. So for me to get a dark red line I would have been like a week late. (Hence, my comment pregnancy test don't work like they say! Not for everyone anyway). All my symptoms have been gone pretty much since I tested positive except for larger and sore boobs. I am hoping it stays this way!


Anyways, so that's my big news. cheer2.gif


Susie- I can't waaaaait to see your pictures! I am so glad you had a good time and that the sun was shining!!


Ali- I would love to plan a NYC meet up. There is a Canadian long weekend in October... I am running out of vacation days so might I suggest that weekend? I have air miles to use to get to NYC and then a bunch of us could just share a room. Let's see what everyone else says, but I am game!! Gotta get these weekends in while I can.


Erica- I'll keep my fingers crossed for you for this month, but I am confused huh.gif I thought you said you guys stopped trying and were going to wait because you are moving back to the USA? Keep in mind you are not allowed to fly once you are 7 months pregnant.

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YAY!!!! Chris!!! Ok, not that I'm cycle stalking you or anything, but I remember last month when we were all waiting to hear your test results you said that you were on a 28 day cycle and so was I and when you said AF came it was the same day for me so I figured that we were on the same cycle (it's like we live together or something haha). So I was wanting to ask you this month, but figured I'd stop being so nosey and wait for you to say something. Yippeee!!!! Soooo happy for you!!!!! cheer2.gif Hopefully I'll be able to hop on the bandwagon in the not so distant furure. :)


Ali- Hawaii?!?! FUN!!! take lots of pics!

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Congratulations, Chris -- that's so awesome! Welcome to the February brides mommy-to-be club! Your symptoms early on sound exactly like what I was experiencing.

I will keep my fingers crossed that everything goes well for you!

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YIPPY for Chris!!!! I have my fingers crossed for you gals that are working on getting pregnant. It is very exciting and Yes Chris "life haltering", life will change. I can tell you weeks after your baby is born you'll realize just how much it's changed and I can promise you'll both look back on your lives and say all those little things that seemed so important will seem so trivial. Being a parent is an amazing gift.

Good luck ladies!!!!!


I am totally crashed today, I have zero engery and feel like I could sleep for a week. I am so glad that AHR is over and life is moving on. For those of you on my facebook I have posted my wedding montage that was shown at my AHR.... Some funny pcitures there.


Take care Sue


Ali I am jealous... you better take tons of pics

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YYYYYYYYYYYYIIIIIIIIPPPPPPPPPPPPPEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE EE!!!!! Chris I am so excited for you! I know how you feel about it being early but wanting to tell!!!! Crazy how those prego tests are all different! I was in the same boat of wanting a baby and as soon as you are pregnant your world starts spinning! I still have many a moments of disbelief about what we are about to embark on and the life changes ahead! But, boy oh boy I am excited! I think we are a good vibe group as so many of us have gotten pregnant in the first four months...


And Erica we will be thinking about you, be sure to keep us posted!


Ali, yes, I am so jealous of your Hawaii trip! What island(s) are you going to? How long are you going? what a wonderful honeymoon!


Susie-I posted on your FB but I wanted to say again that I loved your photo montage, so fantastic to relive the moments!


I have 12 week baby bump photos and I will be taking 16 week baby bump photos this Saturday. I am not sure where to post them for you ladies, I am still secret on FB and I am not really sure why, just have so many unpersonal friends on there that I guess I only want to share with those I am close to, bizarre I know. I do have a fotiki account that I could try to share, let me figure it out...

Also, we went to start our registry. Early I know, but we are going to have a shower in July with my California side and that will be the only time we head out west before the baby comes, so sooner than most, but that is okay. So, the registry is overwhelming. I went in only to pick out the big items, crib, stroller, port a crib, and car seat and it still took forever and so many choices. For the first time in my life it wasn't about savings and all about safety!!! Merchandisers definitely have you in a strong hold because they know that you want the best and safest for your baby! Next I have an appointment to discuss bottles, nipples, and breast feeding items...Who knew this was such an endeavor. What ever happened to the simple choices of baby items ha ha! Also, we find out the gender June 18th!!!!

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Yea!!! Chris I am SOOOOOO excited for you. Don't worry the feelings of excited and nervous and a little scared are totally normal. I didn't get that "I'm going to be a mommy" feeling until I heard the heartbeat.


You guys were the first people that I told and I had to wait almost 1 month later to tell my friends and family!!! I am glad that you have us to tell and talk to about it because it makes it SOOO much easier!!! YEA!!


I posted these on facebook Brooke Moulton's Photos - Baby Moulton | Facebook but I figured that I would let you guys know they are there... so cute, but I keep thinking that the baby's face in the ultrasound looks like the thing from the ring.

In the ultrasound (we didn't get the photo of it) it looked like there was a penis, but they won't tell us for sure (even from 2 angles) because it could be the umbilical cord.


So honest opinions what name do you like Jameson Justin Moulton or Miles Justin Moulton.

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YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY!! Chris that is soooooooo awesome! I'm so happy for you because I know how badly you wanted to get preggers! :) Are you hoping for a boy or girl?


Brooke - I like Jameson Justin personally!


Sue - I'm glad you had a great AHR!


My bridal shower was wonderful. I was expecting it to be a little boring because it was S's mom's planning and all her older friends, but surprisingly, it was lots of laughs and fun! They did this cute lingerie story thing and another bridal shower game. I got an underwater camera which I was really happy about because I told S's mom that i don't need or want any baking/cooking stuff. Plus S does most of the cooking, so what would I do with ithuh.gif it would be more of a gift for him! lOl


Next weekend (this weekend coming up) is my stagette with all my young lady friends. It's gonna be wild! LOL!

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