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Oh my Krista, that photo is too much!


Brooke, glad to hear the reception was a hit! Crazy that you made the announcement at 2:30am, more for the fact I am in awe that you can stay up that late, prego and all :) And I agree with Chris, you have to tell us about these crazy gifts. The only thing I received that wasn't on our registry was a red vase, but I love it.


Krista B-Glad to hear your hand is feeling better! And yes, we are looking forward to your photos!


Better get back to work, it is pathetic that I am happy it is already Tuesday and not Monday anymore, lately I just don't want to work much! ha ha!

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Shell and Susie have disappeared...


Maybe it's *I* who needs to get a life, LOL I am still on this forum everyday.


Krista B- I woke up to snow today! It's like a blizzard but it's not sticking to the ground. Yesterday I was wearing bare legs and a skirt. Canada is on crack.

Yay for your new TTD!

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Hey ladies! Krista that photo is toooo funny! Brooke it sounds like you had a great surprise! Are you gonna post the pics of their faces when they heard?! I think that was a great idea for you guys to do it that way, plus now pretty much everyone knows and you don't have to spend time calling/telling everyone individually! how are the renos going?


Breens - how are you feeling?


Chris - don't worry, I'm on here everyday too! :) Oh, and today it's sunny and warm here, but was snowing and cold yesterday, Canada is definitely on crack! LOL!

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Krista-- You have an excuse to be on here every day! You are getting closer and closer to be a Mrs!!! So excited for you! Glad to hear the hand is getting better but gross that there is snow there!


So my "wonderful presents" we got a wind chime from shopko, not 1 but 2 of the willowtree statues (i think they are creepy!), a lemonade set from crate and barrel (not hating it but didn't need more glasses), and interesting hangy ball that my cats are sure to break within a week of me hanging it. I got unused tupperware, pyrex,dish clothes, cookbooks, cookie sheets, chips and dip trays, but I really appreciated all of those things and like 5 things that we actaually registered for.

Guess what they next bride who is getting married is getting!! You got it a creepy willowtree statue! yea for regifting! hahahaha

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ha ha ha Brooke - we have a pile of stuff that we are regifting/garage sale-ing. Two of the gifts I was most surprised by were a knife block and a set of pots. If that wasn't on someone's registry and they didn't ask for it, is that something you would get? It's definately not like the willow tree - you definately win ha ha ha ha Just remember who gave it to you so that you a) don't give it back to them and B) that they don't see it at a friend's/family's house.


Oh and Chris - you got snow because you were talking about wearing open-toed shoes!!

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Hi ladies,

I am ok... just working my ass off these days.... I have been working most evenings and coming home and sleeping... This is my money time spring market....

Ok that picture was very funny Krista... I am sure there are a few of Susieq in here single days after being married since she was 17 and finally free... Damn that was a wild few years... 30 something and ready to party all night long.... Yippers... I hope those have been lost somewhere.


Breens baby girl how are you feeling? Brookie you too.. hope you gals are feeling great and enjoying the begining of motherhood... then it become parenthood and I think I am at the stage of "the bitch in the hood"!!!! Moat days anyway.


My AHR is in a month... I said no gifts... wine only... You can not really screw that up now can they... I guess I could get granny's blueberry brew from the basement that taste like gasoline... OH I hope not.... My mother in law is really funny she has told everyone that didn't make it to our wedding in Mexico to buy a really nice bottle of wine because my daughter in law Sue is a wine expert..... lmao... I said to her that being a lush and drinking too much wine makes me an expert...lol She said no I didn't want anyone cheaping out on you...... Damn my mother in law makes me laugh.


Have a great day ladies

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BAHHHAA!! Willow tree statues - my FMIL loves those things! LOL! I don't particularly care for them, and I'm not sure why anyone would give those as a wedding present... huh.gif?


Susie! Good to hear from you! A wine giving AHR sounds awesome! That's my kinda party! LOL!



Wedding planning is going good ladies! My custom wedding band is in the makings, FI's dad is the jeweler who helped design/make my engagement ring, and now he's doing my wedding band, so he's making up two different molds so I can try them and choose which one I like best. Then he will be making my ring for me, but I must say, I've felt lost/naked without my ring for the last two weeks!! sad.gif Sean has finallllllyy picked out his ring, geez you'd think he was a girl...lol! But I told him to make sure that he picks one he loves cause he has to wear it for the rest of his life! HAHA!! I wanted to see his reaction, but he didn't give me one...lol...


I'm getting started on our ceremony script and my vows, and I have started filling out all the paperwork that the resort wants - their forms are really weird though, they want to know things like my parents occupations, ages, addresses, etc....why do they need all that useless information? I guess it's for the civil ceremony, but weird nonetheless...


FI is also going out this weekend to look at outfits for him and groomsmen, at last! He's been waiting to lose some weight before he buys, but I told him he should at least go shop and find something he likes that he can purchase or put on hold for a month or so. At least his outfit is less complicated than mine!


Next week, I'm starting to tan, because I'm paler than pale and I don't want to burn (which I tend to do), so I'm starting early and hoping to build a good base.


I also have to finalize my music lists soon! YIKES! There is still so much to do!!

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