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Okay...so it is almost 4 am and I am wide awake. Working on my guest book.....would you believe I forgot to finish it? I look on the counter and wonder why the pile of hard cover books....duh I have the covers for the guest book under there! Bugger! So while the pages are printing I am catching up a bit on here:)


Packing has been a pain tonight. We planned to hand out all the oot bags except for a few before we left. That didn't work out and we have about 8 left to go - the problem is I did not allow for that when planning the packing! How on earth are you guys taking down all the oot bag stuff for the guests plus your own stuff? Seriously - Susie I get why you had so much weight when you checked on. Crazy!!! I know they will love the stuff - everyone else already does, but I am looking forward to being packed. PRetty much done now except for those last minute things that have to wait till Saturday night.


There are only a few of us left! I am so excited....just want to finish this last stuff up and try get a bit of sleep!


Brooke, Tricia how are you guys making out? Are you guys doing planning threads? I will, and I apologize guys, but I will have to do it when I get back.....I have just run out of time I thinksad.gif

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Raykel- I am also doing a planning thread when I get back so I can put in wedding photos with it! I went and bought a spare suitcase for $6 at good will. I am going to pay the extra bag charge going down and then just leave the suitcase in mexico (I am bringing 50 oot bags!!!)... what do I care since it only cost $6!! I got my guestbook in the mail and it was amazing but heavy! I am so happy with it.


I am really bummed because I am sick with cold right now.. I think the stress of getting stuff done for the wedding and flying all last week to get my wedding stuff done has just added up to be to much for my body...lets not forget the NEVER sleeping too!


UGH only 4 more sleeps and SOOO much to do.

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Brooke and Rayanna

deep breathes!!!!! You girls are so funny... Rayanna having to pack only 8.. lucky girl.. Brooke packed for 50!!! holy crap girl.... I had 25 and that was brutal.. I really hope you have done the prepack to make sure you don't need another suitcasehuh.gif??

I wish I was close enough to give you girls a hug... I found myself in panic mode and needing hugs... Just tell your sweetie to hug you constantly.

Oh ladies.. plese sleep and rest... or you'll end up passing out like I did. It really raises eyebrows when you faint at the airport. I was asked a million questions by security and man did they watch me until I boarded the plane. I didn't dare go to the bathroom because i thought the security would be crawling under the bathroom stall.

SO For the love of god sleep.... Sending hugs my lovely ladies

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I've been trying to catch up on my sleep since I got back. Just bummed around most of yesterday, but did go to the registry office to order a copy of the official marriage certificate and get my name changed on my driver's licence (!)

Hoping to write that wedding review by the end of the weekend. Bummer is, I have few wedding pics on my own camera, so I'm waiting on friends and family to send me theirs, so I can add them in to my review...

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Hey girls!!!!!! Still in Mexico until next Saturday but I just discovered yesterday that our partial upgrade to Club Premium gets us into a private room with top shelf aclohol and free internet! So this is going to be quick but I had to tell you how HAPPY I am and how perfect everything was! I didn´t have sun for my ceremony but I didn´t care!! It was so calm and beautiful and perfect in every way. I can´t to see my pics and share t hem with you all. OUr photographer was fantastic. We have a few very slight drops of rain during the ceremony and I hear if it rains on your wedding day you will be rich, LOL so my HUSBAND says we should be upper middle class then, haha


I am a little blue that everything is over now and most of our guests left today... gotta go we are getting kicked out of the room.....

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Chris-- Yea for upgrades!!! So happy to hear that everything went so well-- I am so happy for you and can't wait to see the photos!


Susie-- Only 1 break down in the diet coke area-- Justin was having a chew so I said.. Fine then I get a diet coke... talk about cheating! I have since replaced my diet coke obession with chocolate... ummm wait I Think thats even worse!


Timberly- Did that proposal ever happen that you were worried about or were they one of the ones who didn't make it? My little sis has been telling people that she was suppose to be getting engaged in Cancun... My mom and dad put a QUICK and brutal stop to that today! We all hate her BF and my mom said "This is Brooke's wedding.. don't you even DARE think about trying to take it away" to her boyfriend-- he responded I won't don't mention it anymore and then my dad called and yelled at him. Don't get me wrong I am hoping that maybe 1 or 2 of the couples down there gets engaged.. just no that one!!


So ladies it is 1:30 and again I am up and working on wedding stuff. How crazy was customs for those brides who have brought stuff and are now married? (I am currently stuffing suitcase #7) between me and Justin! I think I have all of my recipts in order and I am breaking them down to everything I bought. Do I need to be this paranoid? Did you do a sand ceremony? Did it get messed up on the plane home?

THanks for all of the answers-- Love you ladies and I mean it! I would have been terrible wrecks without you!

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Originally Posted by FutureMsMoulton View Post
Chris-- Yea for upgrades!!! So happy to hear that everything went so well-- I am so happy for you and can't wait to see the photos!

Susie-- Only 1 break down in the diet coke area-- Justin was having a chew so I said.. Fine then I get a diet coke... talk about cheating! I have since replaced my diet coke obession with chocolate... ummm wait I Think thats even worse!

Timberly- Did that proposal ever happen that you were worried about or were they one of the ones who didn't make it? My little sis has been telling people that she was suppose to be getting engaged in Cancun... My mom and dad put a QUICK and brutal stop to that today! We all hate her BF and my mom said "This is Brooke's wedding.. don't you even DARE think about trying to take it away" to her boyfriend-- he responded I won't don't mention it anymore and then my dad called and yelled at him. Don't get me wrong I am hoping that maybe 1 or 2 of the couples down there gets engaged.. just no that one!!

So ladies it is 1:30 and again I am up and working on wedding stuff. How crazy was customs for those brides who have brought stuff and are now married? (I am currently stuffing suitcase #7) between me and Justin! I think I have all of my recipts in order and I am breaking them down to everything I bought. Do I need to be this paranoid? Did you do a sand ceremony? Did it get messed up on the plane home?
THanks for all of the answers-- Love you ladies and I mean it! I would have been terrible wrecks without you!
I completely understand how you feel. Being stranded in NY showed me just how much i STILL needed to do before the wedding day! Breathe deep, you will get everything done and what you don't get done, fake it. Your big day will be absolutely perfect!

I packed 3 huge suitcases and each suitcase was overweight. By the grace of God we got down with all our stuff. You are right to be little paranoid, but you will be fine, just have your receipts to show IF they ask. You don't need every single one, but have several for them to go through if they choose to. The proposal happened before they left the states. The ring was gorgeous and she was super sweet! He made a great choice. I loved her. That's funny that your dad shut down that proposal.

Just a few more sleeps beautiful..then your turn smile159.gif
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Originally Posted by vdaybride View Post
I completely understand how you feel. Being stranded in NY showed me just how much i STILL needed to do before the wedding day! Breathe deep, you will get everything done and what you don't get done, fake it. Your big day will be absolutely perfect!

I packed 3 huge suitcases and each suitcase was overweight. By the grace of God we got down with all our stuff. You are right to be little paranoid, but you will be fine, just have your receipts to show IF they ask. You don't need every single one, but have several for them to go through if they choose to. The proposal happened before they left the states. The ring was gorgeous and she was super sweet! He made a great choice. I loved her. That's funny that your dad shut down that proposal.

Just a few more sleeps beautiful..then your turn smile159.gif
You are married now...what are you doing awake at 3 am!!! Breathe and sleep for us both.. I know March I am going to be comatose!smile41.gif
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Originally Posted by FutureMsMoulton View Post
You are married now...what are you doing awake at 3 am!!! Breathe and sleep for us both.. I know March I am going to be comatose!smile41.gif
LOL its so funny, I am on one Mac and Chris is on the other. Sleep patterns have NOT returned to normal.. waiting for March baby!!monkey.gif
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