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Trica you look amazing.. You look like a little princess

Raykel nice job on your DIY Projects....

Shells great to hear your packing...

Timmberly... things work out in the long run don't they sweetie?


SusieQ's update Just sharing this little incident with you gals in case you have a few heavy drinkers and partiers... My brother who was drunk when he arrived stayed drunk all of his second day here. FI Finally at about 11pm the second night poured him into bed... He only got up and went out again down to the 24 beach bar. He partied with the staff at the bar until 5am in the morning in which a staff member walked him to his room. oh of course ROBBED him. He lost 300 us cash and his driver's lic. Yup!!!!

Just tell people in your group that you maybe in paradise however there is evil around the corner and don't set yourself up to be a victim!!!!!!


Otherwise things are great Raykel I will send you that info today once i have got a map infront of me. Love you gals

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Sooooooo went to Costco yesterday and bought snorkeling gear. I was digging deep into the display looking for my size in this cute light blue and I nearly broke the display because they were all just keeping the thing up and I kept removing them haha Oops!


It was a big day yesterday. Picked up my dress. Oh such great after service these dress shops have... NOT. At one point the sales lady unzipped my dress in the middle of the store (I was bra less), and I looked over at my FMIL and said- I guess we're getting kicked out. They kept rushing us, all that was missing was the boot! Oh well. What can you expect when your dress didn't cost thousands and your alterations were $170... and she already had to go back to the sewing machine twice.... haha Losers. In the end I think the dress looks good so that's all that matters. My FMIL was not please with some of the stitching on the back and how it hung, but I think it's fine. It's home safe and sound now.


I had to get another bra. The one I bought last weekend was all wrong and just squished my boobs down. So we went to this fancy lingerie store and found a really nice one, but it was $70!!! yikes. It should look nice and makes my girls appear perky haha. Strapless bras are such crap so its good to invest in a proper one. I can't wear a bustier (sp?) under my dress because it's chiffon and you'd see it. Plus I don't want any added weight.


Finally found my necklace!!! It looks stunning:


Click the image to open in full size.


I am really happy with my choice!!!


FI and the boys finally went and got their shirts yesterday so we are done!!!! I am going to do laundry all week and next weekend I plan on getting the majority of our packing done. Not like we are wearing summer clothes these days soooo might as well be ready early.


That's it for now! We have a baby shower to be at for 9am! yiiiiiiikes. I hate getting up to an alarm on the weekend.

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Ah Susie that sucks!!


Chris - my FI and I bought the snorkling kits too. I had to get red because all they had were blue and red in the mens and pink in ladies. I HATE PINK!! Your necklace is beautiful.


I have another shower today, this one thrown by my friends. Not really looking forward to it - mainly because I don't feel like putting on a happy face for everyone - my grandma took a bad turn for the worse and passed away last night. It really sucks, BUT the positive is that on Thursday I took some time off work and went and spent two hours with her, and it was a good two hours. I showed her the pictures of me in my dress and then all kinds of pictures at the resort. It was such a good day and why yesterday was so shocking to me. My FI said that at least both my grandmas can be AT the wedding (my grandma wasn't coming on the trip). I had a major breakdown yesterday when my FI got home because I kept thinking about what my grandpa will do now as my grandma was his caregiver and they were married for over 60 years. Sorry for posting such sad news.

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Good morning ladies!


Susie, sorry to hear about your brothers $$ theft sad.gif


Timberly, I am so sorry about your hairdresser issue. And so happy that your man was a sweetie and helped.


Tricia- LOVE your dress- so pretty.


Shelk... I saw your ticker says 15 days!!! Are you freaking? I know when i post this post I will see the ticker and I think it will day 6 days and my stomach is doing flips and its just the ticker!!


Brooke- whatcha doing girl?


Raykel- beautiful ring :) very unique


Teniel- I cant see the pics?


Chris- perty necklace :)- Why is it that if you put the word wedding onto something, suddenly you are overcharged and treated like s***? I dont understand. For this reason, everything for the AHR has had the words wedding and marriage removed (when requested), to reduce costs and get more prompt service- were just havin a party


Do you guys feel alone in this sometimes? The FI and I had it out a few days ago because he has ZERO interest in this process, I have become the one always asking him to do thing and he's like, "where did the fun free spirited Ali go?".... and its because if he shows up to the wedding with no shoes or a suit too big he will be upset- he kept saying what a big pain in the ass everything is and I was like "sorry you arent excited for the wedding" and somewhere in there he got it, that telling me its a big pain in the ass doesnt help me know that he is excited to stay in a beachfront room that we would never pay for any other time, to see all of our friends and family and get married! Things are better now... back on track.


Seems to me that this is a more special time for a woman than a man. All of my gfs, coworkers pretty much everyone in my life is really expressively excited for us (like people I dont know hugging me)... the FI on the other hand has not mentioned it to much of anyone and I doubt any guys are going "high five on having sex with the same woman for the rest of your life!"


GOsh I am really rambling, too much coffee!!!


Happy Sunday Ladies :)

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Krista: I am so sorry for your loss! It sounds like you had a great final day with her that you will have wonderful memories of.


Allison: I agree with you...sometimes if feels like the ladies have to bear the weight of all the stress, planning, worrying, ect. It has frustrated me too. They're gonna be thankful when us girls pull of an awesome wedding though!!


Timberly: How sweet of Chris!! I hope you find someone wonderful!


Susie: Argh! Sorry to hear about the theif!!! I hope that you guys are having a great time despite that!


Chris: Glad you finally got the dress home!! And beautiful necklace. That's really pretty. You're right, $70 for a bra is crazy expensive, but if it makes everything look good they know we'll pay it!

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KristaH I am so sorry for your loss!!! I lost my grandmother too. When you feel a sweet breeze during your wedding, know that your grandmother is there with you. Sending condolences to your entire family with this message. Love you girlie.


Thanks ladies for the support.. who knew hair could bring out such emotion lol

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This site is nuts lately! I am thinking it is really busy and the poor mods must be working double duty....but Shells it was funny to see your post, two, three, four...more timeswink.gif


Kirsta - that is very sad news about your grandma. Life is too short. It is really great you spent the time with her this week. You know she loved it and you made her happy too. Keep your chin up today....she would want you to enjoy yourself.


Allison - I had a similar dance with FI the other night...mostly over the music issue. Where did fun Ali go....me can be arses! (to borrow Shells term:)


Susie! That is terrible about your brother. I feel bad....I guess it is also a good reminder....our holiday their targets! Buggers censored.gif


Teneil....I can't see the pictures either. If you go to the page with your photo on it...the left side a bit lower there are the hour or so codes. Copy the whole code and just paste it under your comments and it should work.


Christ - that is awesome the dress is home! Your necklace looks spectacular. Its nice your FMIL was with you and was looking out for ya:)


It sounds like we are getting close and all need a hen party! A few drinks and laughs to relax us a bit again.

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One shower down...one to go today. It went really well and was fun:) A couple people who did not rsvp came, which was nice. My FI told me last night his mom wasn't thrilled with her side of the family. No one except her and FSIL came and from his dad's side one cousin's wife. I figured - no biggie! If they can't or don't want to come that is ok....other people who care about me did:) I can understand though - she goes to all their stuff and now when it is something for her family they should at least make an effort.


Today is the friend shower....so my MOH saved that game she wants to play for today. Still waiting to see...have a feeling it is going to be something like "how well do you know the groom" with questions like who wears the pants.....hahaha....should be interesting! popcorn.gif


I will try post some pictures tonight.


Oh - Brooke - something I learned which may explain your used tupperware. My mom was going to give me one of her glass pitchers as a gift and told me. I asked why she would do that when they are hers and she uses them huh02.gif


Apparently it is an old tradition (my mom is 65 years old) to give the bride something used for her shower. It means good luck! LOL....when she told me that I immediately thought of you and the gift you got! FI makes fun of me (I think he is jealous) "girls on the forum this and girls on the forum that"....he is so right! Mom and I are talking and immediately I think of someone here and what happened to them!

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