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well i had a big fat bacon+egg cob with red sauce and it was lovely.it gave me the energy to get the whole house cleaned.job done.now im goin to fetch fi from work and cook a nice thai green chicken curry mmmmm.


timberley-hope you have a great time and cant wait to see the pics already.


have a nice evening ladies

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Originally Posted by Raykel View Post
I don't think my waist is that small guys....I am turned sideways a bit in the photo because I thought it would make me look slimmer- I guess it worked! Thanks guys:) Now if I can just look slim and svelte in my bikini in Feb! Argh that Christmas and all the food and munchies and this dummy goes and signs up for the bake exchange? oops.gif Have you guys tried toblerone fudge squares? Umm....I am actually hoping FI eats the rest of those before I get home!

Tricia - I am sorry you didn't like all your stuff from VSsad.gif I order from them a couple times a year and find that for clothes I need to order two sizes in each article because they don't always fit the size they claim. I don't really mind excpet that right now with the exchange and shipping that can add up. Ah the price we pay to look beautiful!

Sue...I got the emails....I did't have about half of what you sent me! So thank you again. I hope you feel better soon. My nephew was pretty sick the other day, but it only seemed to be bad for the one day and then he was just kinda weak the next day. Now he is good as new, so here's hoping that is all you have as well.
I am hosting a cookie exchange as well! I don't know what I was thinking. With each girl giving the others a dozen each that's gonna be a lot of cookies...and I'm definitely going to be "sampling" them all!!
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Hi Ladies, I made it to my mums for Christmas holidays, the roads were bad, but I made it! :) BUt I'm here without my FI for a week - I miss him already sad.gif... I'm such a sap!


Sue - I hope you start to feel better soon! I'm sure you'll be over this in no time! Just a few more days and you'll be back to your glowing bride self! Those blue pashminas sound wonderful!


Shells - Thai Green Curry sounds wonderful! MMMMmmmm!! I love thai!


Timberly - I'm glad to hear that you made it safe and didn't kill your FI in the process lol!! Have a wonderful time! :)


Tricia - you enjoy those cookies girl!! :)



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Originally Posted by SusieQ View Post
OH MY GOD!!! I got my parcel today from Timberly..... OH OH OH... santa has come to town... I love,love,love.. My baby blue pashminas..... They are so beautiful... It is scandelous that I got them that cheap... Their amazing.......I wanna kiss that chic.... can you tell I am over the top!!!!lol seriously.. Brooke and Timmy... these things are just stunning ... what a find!!!
Ok shut up Sue!!!
Damn it's friday and my tummy won't handle a drinkie poo... Raykel keep your arse on the bar stool and have one for me please.....

I was logged on via cellphone so I overlooked this post. I am soooo happy thaty you liked everything :) If there is anything else I can get you, let me know.
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vdaybride,congrats mrs hope you have a blast in vegas.did you do anything afterwards to celebrate or are you saving yourselves?


tricia,happy baking.


krista b,glad you eventually made it to your mums.obviously i understand about the missing of the love of your life but try and make the most of spending the time with your mum.time will fly by and xmas will be here then gone and before you know it we will be getting married then it will be you lol.


susie,how you feeling today?


wish me luck ive got to sneak out of the house to go and meet photographer and look at lots of naked pictures of myself.diet will be back on later lol

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Originally Posted by vdaybride View Post
I am a married woman yippppee
Oh I wish I was there to give you a big hug... I had to give my pashminas to my gfriend last night she is taking them in her luggage as mine is about to pop at the seams... She was just blown away by them....

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Hi ladies allow me to introduce myself..It's Sue.. I have returned... I slept from 5pm to 5.30am this morning...yippeeeeeee I am feeling me again this morning... up way too early but rested.. xmas wrapping all day today and getting the song list ready for the ipod.

Thanks ladies for all the get well wishes....

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Oh I lost 6 pounds in 3 days... holy smokes... talk about diet... I am sure is just lost in fluids and I'll gain it back quickly enough with the holidays... thank god i don't live near you chickies with the home made baked cookie.... I'd have it back by lunch time..

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