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happy new year ladies.still feeling like crap but logged on here and felt much better straight away.jon at work today i was gonna take our tree and stuff down but thought it was too early.you made my mind up get it packed away.


susie,hope your foot gets better quick.dont worry you can walk down the aisle on cruches lol.


cant believe its work again on monday but we go to a concert on 19th,week afetr that its my hen doo then a week after that we are on that plane wwaayyyyhhaayyy.

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Originally Posted by vdaybride View Post
Hi Shells, sorry u are not feeling well. I hope you are better now. I guess there is a body of water between us because when I tried to get driving directions from my resort to yours.. it wasn't an option lol. I would love to meet for drinks and hugs sad.gif.

Susie- I hope your foot is better, I don't want you hobbling down the aisle!! The countdown is real now!!

I was able to get a lot of time consuming last minute things done which is a great feeling. I am back to work on Monday ;/ I need one more week off to be completely done with wedding planning. I am waiting on emails I sent out looking for a cigar roller, transportation companies, sunset cruises for February 15th, and finalizing flower selections. I decided to have fake bouquets made for the ladies and bouts for the gentlemen and wrist coursages for the moms. I hope they come out good! Keeping my fingers crossed. The entire order was less than $50 including shipping..I will post pics when I get the order.
Timberly that is amazing price... post the pictures as soon as you get them... Damn girl we're getting close... Do you have a final head count yet? I am still waiting for my brother... I so want to kill him right now... He told me he would book on Wednesday and still hasn't pulled the trigger..... I could pull the trigger now!!!!!

I am up and moving easier today... it is a little black and blue... Thats what you get when you try to skate home on ice and snow. weeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!up she goes and down she goes... what a stupid girl.. could have broken something.... S&M.gif i need to grow up lol
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Originally Posted by shellk View Post
happy new year ladies.still feeling like crap but logged on here and felt much better straight away.jon at work today i was gonna take our tree and stuff down but thought it was too early.you made my mind up get it packed away.

susie,hope your foot gets better quick.dont worry you can walk down the aisle on cruches lol.

cant believe its work again on monday but we go to a concert on 19th,week afetr that its my hen doo then a week after that we are on that plane wwaayyyyhhaayyy.
I am looking forward to getting back to work... i have been eating steady for two weeks... I need to get back a focus on work and pass this time away in a positive way.

I am feeling good about all the xmas stuff being down and put away... enough it needed to go... I did what I needed to do even though I wanted to skip xmas this year lol.... We did it gals we made it through...smile29.gif
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hi ladies,well got the tree and everything put away.our room looks big again we have room.feeling much better today however i did break my car yesterday.skidded on ice going 5mph crashed into kerb broke the wheel and suspension.never mind the only bummer is i cant get a courtesy car until tomorrow.we have worked it out today and we have 25work get ups hehe.back to work tomorrow but its a really nice feeling knowing that we have the holiday/wedding coming up.


i need to do a check list today of things i need to do.


timberley,sounds like you have been very busy.what resort/where are you getting married?it would be great to have a few drinks and celebrate together.


brooke,sounds like you have got alot of things ticked off your list.fi helping too lol.


susie,dont grow up i love you the way you are.


we sound like women on a mission now its quite funny.we have all thought right xmas is out the way we only have a few weeks left to sort the last bits out s**t.


right im off to cook full roast dinner with all trimmings.no more crap/buffet/cheese/pate i have a bikini to fit into.im craving fruit+veg now after all the crap i have eaten.suprisingly i have only put 2lb on.the last treat will be the chocolate fudge cake and double cream for pudding.

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The countdown is on 'til everyone's big day! I feel like I'm getting things checked off my list, too. FH and I went to order our wedding bands yesterday, groomsmen's attire is all set, and I go on Thursday for my first dress fitting. The next task is deciding on a day to do our legal stuff...

Happy New Year, girls!

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Originally Posted by FutureMsMoulton View Post
Raykel- Did you find a TTD dress yet? I ordered mine from Wholesale - Buy China Wholesale Products from Chinese Wholesalers on DHgate.com and it came in 2 weeks- not perfect but only $125!
I didn't find one yet......I am going to check out this link right away! Thanks:) One of the other girls getting married at this resort actually ordered her dress from an ebay site - completely custom made - for $200-ish. I love my dress....but grrr....if I could have had it custom made (or copied) for a fraction of the price! So wish I had found out about that site sooner. Oh well c'est la vie.

Originally Posted by shellk View Post
raykel,jon failed again so 3rd time lucky when he books another one.never mind i suppose i will have to take him to work again tomorrow.

well ladies wont bore you with the details but bit pi**ed off today.every new year we end leaving it till last min to book anything and end up staying at one of our houses which we always enjoy but after the bad year we have had my best friend wanted to go out.turns out the restaurant closed at 11pm so she didnt want to go as she said the whole point is to be out at strike of 12.we couldnt think of anything else to do because everywhere else was booked up.fi went to bed for an hrs nap(as he was up at 5am for work)i think he forgot i got up with him. saying dont matter if they dont go we will still go.i got him up he comes down in dressing gown sits in front of fire saying he wasnt bothered.im sorry but i got really excited yesterday to say goodbye to the shit year we have had and bring in the brill one to come.obv they didnt get this until fi realised i was bit arsey with him.so we had indian takeaway i had a bottle of wine and blew my giant space hopper up i had for xmas lol.fi joined in the bit then had 1 glass of cider.so i i did bore you with the details haha.next year i will have to remember not to get excited again lol.

i think i might wait for fi to get up and make him cook me a bbiiiggg breakfast seeing as i went out and bought stuff for full english and continental for the 4 of us.right ive let it go now.except colds worse today and i thought i was getting better yesterday.
Sorry to hear about new years......that is so disappointing, but it sounds like Jon made a bit of an effort when he realized you were disappointed/pissed off. That is good:)

Sorry to hear about the driving test....tell him not to be discouraged. He is probably putting too much pressure on himself to do well. He needs to just relax - he probably does fine when he isn't taking a test, right? It will be better in 2010!
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Good morning ladies :)


Ive finally put the Christmas things away here too- place looks a bit bare but much easier to dust (hallelujah!).


Shells, thats fantastic that you have only gained 2lbs over hols. I LOVE double cream, sweets etc and England does sweets better than anywhere (IMO)... (sorry bout your car too!!)


VDB, where did you get your fake bouquets, if I might ask? Online? We need one for the toss (still not sure if we will do that or not) and your pice sounds great!


Back to work tomorrow. I have a graduate intern with me for the next three months starting tomorrow and its my first one. I am really excited and nervous both because it is a great opportunity and because it will initially be a lot of work (and having someone watch me all of the time!)... I m also on my own for 2 whole weeks not, the FI is in VA for a course. Miss him already.


You guys must be freezing up there, it is damn cold here (was in the 30s last night and that is waay cold for here). I am a wimp.


Have a fun Sunday!






Susie, please dont grow up. I just love your positive attitude and bright outlook. Sorry that your bro is having a hard time committing, Im sure he will pull though. You asked about my weight, I have gained about 10lbs over the past year because of an injury and even though I know its only 10lbs, I have to look at the pictures for the next 50 years so I want to look my best. Ive always managed my love of food with a corresponding love of exercise and have trouble doing it now because of pain. So right now, I am 135 (5'2") and would love to be 128.


On to brighter subjects :) My gf gave me a great suggestion last night. She suggested that the night before the wedding that I take something to help me sleep (tylenol pm?). She said being apart and in a strange bed and having the big day ahead, that sleeping for them was really challenging. She (my friend) took Tylenol PM and her hubby did not, and she said he was tired all day from not sleeping the night before- and she was great. So anyway, thought it sounded helpful so I am passing it on.

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Good morning ladies :)


Ive finally put the Christmas things away here too- place looks a bit bare but much easier to dust (hallelujah!).


Shells, thats fantastic that you have only gained 2lbs over hols. I LOVE double cream, sweets etc and England does sweets better than anywhere (IMO)... (sorry bout your car too!!)


VDB, where did you get your fake bouquets, if I might ask? Online? We need one for the toss (still not sure if we will do that or not) and your pice sounds great!


Back to work tomorrow. I have a graduate intern with me for the next three months starting tomorrow and its my first one. I am really excited and nervous both because it is a great opportunity and because it will initially be a lot of work (and having someone watch me all of the time!)... I m also on my own for 2 whole weeks not, the FI is in VA for a course. Miss him already.


You guys must be freezing up there, it is damn cold here (was in the 30s last night and that is waay cold for here). I am a wimp.


Have a fun Sunday!






Susie, please dont grow up. I just love your positive attitude and bright outlook. Sorry that your bro is having a hard time committing, Im sure he will pull though. You asked about my weight, I have gained about 10lbs over the past year because of an injury and even though I know its only 10lbs, I have to look at the pictures for the next 50 years so I want to look my best. Ive always managed my love of food with a corresponding love of exercise and have trouble doing it now because of pain. So right now, I am 135 (5'2") and would love to be 128.


On to brighter subjects :) My gf gave me a great suggestion last night. She suggested that the night before the wedding that I take something to help me sleep (tylenol pm?). She said being apart and in a strange bed and having the big day ahead, that sleeping for them was really challenging. She (my friend) took Tylenol PM and her hubby did not, and she said he was tired all day from not sleeping the night before- and she was great. So anyway, thought it sounded helpful so I am passing it on.

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Ladies I am sure you guys have seen this before, but in case you haven't, there is a link on one of the main page threads for the Riviera Mayan....it has a map of all the resorts along the coast. In case you haven't seen it, I am going to try attaching it.


Click the image to open in full size.

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On that note - Happy New Year everyone!


Our NY was good. We had a couple of friends and their kids over and we ate and ate, then we went to a neighbours to say hi and check out their newly renoed home. Back we came for midnight and then hung out and visited for another couple hours. It was nice....nothing to crazy, but that is what we wanted:)


Then the last couple of days we have literally bummed around. It has been FANTASTIC! I really needed a couple of recharge days. The only down side is recharging sometimes = sick. Uh oh...the sniffles is not a good thing.


Shells I hear you with the needing to eat good food again. So last night I went to the gym with FI. Because the last couple of months it just did not fit into the schedule I am worried about the old bikini too - I am a good little half Ukranian girl and carry all the fat in my thighs. Ugh.


So I had found this new work out you do for your legs for one month....wanted to try it a while back and thought I would start last night! Well....I am almost crippled today so hoping that means awesome legs and butt in a month like my Oxygen mag promised! IF you guys want to try it....takes about 20 mins. It is all squats.


I used a 45 pound bar and did not put any weight on it since there were so many sets....7 of them.

Set 1 and 2: normal squats, feel just inside or about shoulder width apart.

10-15 reps with 45-60 sec rests btw

Set3: move your feet 2 inches further apart

10 reps with same rest periods

Set 4: move your feet 4 inches apart (from original stance)

8-10 reps

Set 5: move your feet 6 inches apart

8-10 reps

Set 6: move your feet 8 inches apart

8-10 reps

Set 7: move your feet 10 inches apart

8-10 reps

By the end you are almost in a plie position.....you can point your toes out a bit for balance, but not a lot because you want to work your thighs, hams and but, not inside of thighs only. You can do this every couple of days for a week and then it changes to lunges for a week.


Let me say holy crap! By the last couple of sets I was getting 8 and the last set I could only do 6....bugger! My muscles were all jumpy and shaking trying to stand back up. This workout is for a month only and then you have to go back to a normal workout because you can cause injuries.....seriously you guys have got to try it...even if you do it at home with no weights.


Well off to work on some wedding stuff. FI and I are doing a bunch together tomorrow. He still has no passport so that is top of the list for tomorrows activities!


Catch up with you guys in a bit!

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