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Krista my dear you have a troopers heart and I am sending you the biggest hug ever.... The world throws us curve balls sometime... Keep your head over the plate... you'll get what you want soon enough. It is things like this that make your marraige strong... you both have survived heartbreak and disappointment and together you have pulled together... sending hubby a hug too...


Timbery... Your little girl is just a little doll... Just so cute and doesn't she love the camera.... Boy daddy be riding shotgun on the front porch soon enough.


Brooke your condo looks amazing... don't you be working to hard!!!


Breens you need to facebook or pm your address... The blankie is in process, I was over to my gfriends last night to watch Idol and she was throwing wool around like a crazy lady. I was laughing at her because she knits like she has a twitch... I told she looked spazzed....


To all you other gals that are on the baby making train... good luck my lovelies!!!!


My news "Mark is getting snipped early Sept." He is being very good about it... I mentioned it to him a year ago and dropped to the ground in the fetal position... I think the fear that we could potential have another Steph has convinced him...


Oh pool update... 8 grand to fix and the process has started... the concrete was pulled out last week and being re poured friday... new liner and the other crap in two weeks. It's only money righthuh.gif?

My AHR is june 5th so crazy busy with that.....


Sending my love


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Sabrina and Brooke - I'm so excited to hear about your baby adventures!!! Hearing the heartbeat sounds like such an amazing experience! I can't wait to have that experience someday! Brooke I hope your nausea and cramps settle down soon!


Sue - good luck with planning your AHR - I'm sure you'll have a blast!!!

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Thanks Ladies-- Justin was adorable his face lit up when we heard the heartbeat and I was just so relieved that there was only one! Twins run in my family. The baby's heart beat was 160 beats a minute. We have another appt next week for more testing and we find out what the sex is on July 21st or 28th... I can't remember (some mom I am! lol)


Sabrina- There is an end in site to this yeah... I just want my energy back! I asked my doctor if i can a walking epideral and was informed that they don't do them in Eau Claire.. now I am mad!


Krista- Justin really wants a little boy and I have that sneaky feeling I am having a boy, but I just keep saying 10 fingers and 10 toes and healthy baby is all I care about.


Soooo this sounds so weird and you may all think that its crazy but my mom has psychic intuitions (she knew we married in vegas before we told her, last year on mothers day she told me that I would be pregnant by mothers day- I was) She is also seeing a baby boy so we will have to see!

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Originally Posted by krista.baird View Post
Chris - your pics are gorgeous!!! I really like the one of your mom smiling at you - so touching!!! I also love your gerberas in the chairs - that's a great touch of colour!.........
........well Sean finally found a ring he likes and we bought it this weekend so that is a stress off my shoulders! We got our groomsmen outfits figured out. This weekend is more wedding stuff, next weekend is Bridal shower #1 and Sean's stag. Following weekend is Bridal Shower #2/Stagette. Then it's 2 weekends until leaving for Mexico! And I still haven't started tanning! I thought the weather might be nice enough, but it's been rainy for about a week now. I signed up for a tanning salon near my home though so I can fake bake...lol! I have to get some colour because I don't want to be a lobster on my wedding day!
Thx Krista. :) Good job on getting the groomsmen clothes and Sean's ring!! You must be getting sooooooo excited!!! I can't wait to hear all about it and see your pics. You are going to be gorgeous!!

Originally Posted by breens View Post
Chris-I think your photos turned out great. I think you have some great keepers. It looked like you guys had such a blast, and you looked so beautiful! Yeah! Thanks for sharing.
Thanks Sabrina! :) We did have a lot of fun. Throughout the whole ceremony we did a lot of laughing. We had the best officiant. Kept it really fun. It was awesome to relive that day through all those pictures. Have a great weekend at the lake!!!

Originally Posted by Krista_H View Post
Chris - finally had a chance to see your slideshow. FANTASTIC!! Are you feeling a lot better about them now?
Thx!!! :) Yes definitely! I am way happier with them now. We have such huge expectations sometimes it's hard to be pleased all the time. :P I think after the teasers I was expecting ALL my pics to look like my sig pic. rolleyes.gif LMAO I am such a dork sometimes.
Your doctor is hilarious. I like that kind of bedside manner. You have to keep things light because when life throws you curveballs like this, there's not much we can do about it so we have to retain our sense of humour. Better said than done sometimes but you seem to be handling this well. You are a tough cookie!

Originally Posted by TonyandTricia View Post
So my "friend" decided to show up 4 days early. Since I'm just coming off BC I guess my body's still a little out of wack. I pray that I don't regulate to a 24 day cycle!!
I pray for you that you don't regulate to a 24 day cycle!!! Since I went off the pill I went from a 28 day cycle to 26, and instead of 4 days I am a full 7. Sometimes I feel like I permanently have my period. huh.gif

Originally Posted by SusieQ View Post
Oh pool update... 8 grand to fix and the process has started... the concrete was pulled out last week and being re poured friday... new liner and the other crap in two weeks. It's only money righthuh.gif?
My AHR is june 5th so crazy busy with that.....

Sending my love
wtf.gif duuuuuuuuuude that sucks!!!! You should have an inauguration pool party and charge everyone $$$ LMAO Your pool is going to be beautiful and I have a feeling we are going to have a HAWT summer, so it will be money well spent.
Poor Mark, snip snip

Originally Posted by FutureMsMoulton View Post
Thanks Ladies-- Justin was adorable his face lit up when we heard the heartbeat and I was just so relieved that there was only one! Twins run in my family. The baby's heart beat was 160 beats a minute. We have another appt next week for more testing and we find out what the sex is on July 21st or 28th... I can't remember (some mom I am! lol)

Sabrina- There is an end in site to this yeah... I just want my energy back! I asked my doctor if i can a walking epideral and was informed that they don't do them in Eau Claire.. now I am mad!

Krista- Justin really wants a little boy and I have that sneaky feeling I am having a boy, but I just keep saying 10 fingers and 10 toes and healthy baby is all I care about.

Soooo this sounds so weird and you may all think that its crazy but my mom has psychic intuitions (she knew we married in vegas before we told her, last year on mothers day she told me that I would be pregnant by mothers day- I was) She is also seeing a baby boy so we will have to see!
What's a walking epideral?

Btw- I don't think that sounds weird at all. I totally believe in psychic abilities so maybe just maybe you have a bouncing baby boy in there!!! pinkie.gif So exciting... :)

There are no just plain smile smilies on this board. grrrr
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I'll share something with you gals and you'll all go oh your weird... I know when people are pregnant sometimes before they do and I can pretty much guess what someone is carrying boy or girl by just touching that person...


It happened a few months ago I was in the drug store paying at the cash when one of my clients spotted me and came over to chat. As soon as she hugged me I knew and I was just floored by how strong the feeling was. I didn't know that were trying or anything...I just kept smiling at her and she finally said to me .. why are you smiling at mehuh.gif then she blurted out "you can tell can't you"... I am like Yeah.... She hadn't told anyone only her husband, they were waiting for a few weeks to make sure everything was ok.

So I am at their house last week and we are discussing the prospect of them selling their house and what it would take to get it ready for market. Husband makes a comment something like "I think we should stay because if it's another boy they can share a room like I did with my brother growing up". I told him them it was a girl and start packing.... Ok laughing yethuh.gif He called me today and they found out this morning it's a girl and they are moving forward with selling the house.


Oh did i tell you ladies my "open house", will be a 110 people!!!! Mark figures we can do a congo line and in one door around the back and out another door "thanks for coming"..... He was being a real goof yesterday and saying we should use papercups with travel lids... "you can take that drink with you bye".... Oh just shoot me now!!!

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Wow Susie-- Sounds like you will have a house full after all! Break out that pool now that you had to put all of the work into it!! :o)


Tricia- I went to go and see Sex and the City... I have to say that I liked the last one better, but was still fun and light hearted with a few good cracks here and there.


Chris-- A walking epidural is where they numb you enough that you can still get up and move around and feel the contractions and when you are pushing so it doesn't block out the entire process.


My exciting news (and a little sad to me) I got rid of my lime green beetle which I LOVED and still do-- I almost cried driving away from it. I purchased a 2010 Mazda3 today and it is going to be perfect for hauling around a baby and car seat, stroller. pack & play... all of that good stuff. Its bright red and pretty cool. Mazda has a 60 months 0% interest so for $370 a month we will have it totally paid off in 5 years! That was pretty darn great for me, going to miss the bug though.

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Originally Posted by FutureMsMoulton View Post
Wow Susie-- Sounds like you will have a house full after all! Break out that pool now that you had to put all of the work into it!! :o)

Tricia- I went to go and see Sex and the City... I have to say that I liked the last one better, but was still fun and light hearted with a few good cracks here and there.

Chris-- A walking epidural is where they numb you enough that you can still get up and move around and feel the contractions and when you are pushing so it doesn't block out the entire process.

My exciting news (and a little sad to me) I got rid of my lime green beetle which I LOVED and still do-- I almost cried driving away from it. I purchased a 2010 Mazda3 today and it is going to be perfect for hauling around a baby and car seat, stroller. pack & play... all of that good stuff. Its bright red and pretty cool. Mazda has a 60 months 0% interest so for $370 a month we will have it totally paid off in 5 years! That was pretty darn great for me, going to miss the bug though.

I totally love my Mazda 3 ... white with all the bells and whistles... I have had it two years..... Love love it

By the way I found out my sister inlaw has been totally trash talking me about my AHR... Oh she got so many people coming, where is everyone going to sit, does she realize that not eveyone can stand for hours. So when she arrives, I am going to lead her to the biggest chair and say you can plant your fat ass there and not move for a few hours and no one will notice. yeah I know I won't say that.... It just makes me happy to think how that would blow her the hell away if i did.

FRIDAY!!! elefant.gif
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Wow so much going on - I totally believe in the psychic thing and I am drawn to people who are. Weird whenever I go to conferences that's usually who I end up being the closest with. I am a HUGE empath - it drives me nuts some times. I'll walk into a room and if people are upset I'm instantly upset or vice versa. I haven't learned how to put up walls yet.


Wow Brooke look at you being all responsible!! :) You'll thank yourself in the long run for sure. Let us know when you know. Have you started to think of names yet?


Susie - I loved the visual of Mark in the fetal position crying ha ha ha And I loved your baseball analogy. I played for a travelling team growing up so it's perfect. Let me tell you the next one is going out of the park!! elefant.gif


So I've had this week off and I'm starting to go nuts. I told Glenn that I really hope a baby changes things or I'll be going back to work and he'll be taking parental leave ha ha ha So I have this habit of when things go wrong I want to change things...I think I'm going to get my hair cut today - I think it'll be nice to feel fresh.


Have a great Friday girls and for our US ladies - have a great LONG weekend!!!

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Happy Monday beautiful ladies!!! Hope you all had a wonderful weekend! What's new with everyone? Sue - how's the planning coming along? Brooke - how you feeling? Breens - anything new? Christina - how's annoying coworker? LOL! Krista - how was your week off?? How's the new hair? Any pics to show?

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No pics to show - can't get ahold of my hair dresser. I'm hoping this week. Went and treated myself to a mani/pedi tonight though. :)


So it's crazy how much you notice things once they're not happening to you. Ever since we became not pregnant (weird - how do you become not pregnant ha ha ha) it seems like EVERYONE around me is. Don't get me wrong I think everyone should be happy, I think you just notice it and feel like everyone is, but you. So we go to the specialist tomorrow and hopefully he'll tell me I'm back to normal and we just wait for everything to start working again. Had blood taken AGAIN on Monday - I feel like a pin cushion. So she sticks the needle in and I hear opps...your vein must have moved on me. Ya it was my vein and not YOU!! It's a really good thing I'm such a good sport about this or they'd probably have to lock me away on a funny farm!!!


Hope everyone is enjoying the good weather - well I hope you have good weather to enjoy!!

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