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YAY, wedding discs came in today 3 discs of 1322 photos total! Can't wait to look through them and get started on my flush mount album. Any advice on companies to use for the album?



Now for the negative news....Guess what I did!! I had a credit card that I paid off and then cut up. Well I didn't realize that a automatic payment was charged to the card after I paid it off and cut it up. Well for 2 months..they were charging me and NOT sending statements that I owed anything. Long story short my credit scores were over 770 and because of those 2 late payments my scores are now around 675!!!!!!! I wanted to cry! I have never been late on anything in almost 10 years Chase bank SUCKS..they didn't even care that I was the perfect customer, they just wrecked my credit in one button punch...sad.gif

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Erica- Your picture is absolutely gorgeous!!! What a great shot!! I can't wait to see more!!


Sue- So sorry to hear about your grandpa. What a long life he had!, but I know that still doesn't make it any easier. I don't think you should feel guilty about not going back. That is very expensive and I don't think you have to go to the funeral to say your goodbyes if it's too hard to get there. That's wonderful that you were able to make it back there last summer after so long away.


Timberly- I have Chase too, but have learned you can get the fees and penalties taken away. I ALWAYS pay my bills on time, but one time just plain forgot and called them and they waived the fee. If you have that good of a track record they should do that for you! They do what they can to keep you as a customer.


Chris- Still no pictures?!?! Hopefully soon!! So is the guy just really busy and back logged on weddings? I can't imagine why it would take so long!


Sabrina, Brooke- How's pregnancy treating you ladies?? So Brooke....will you still fly up to the last minute or have to be close to the ground for easy access to an OB the last month?

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Hey guys!


First things first- Susie... I totally feel your pain. I lost my grandpa last April. He (like the rest of my family) lived in BC, so I was not around when it happened. I didn't fly home either. It wasn't going to bring him back, and much like you, when I said good-bye to him the previous summer... it really felt like good-bye. It's strange how our intuition almost knows... I can still see him waving to me from his window. He was a month shy of turning 88. We can't live forever. My thoughts are with you.


On a different note... I finally got my pictures yesterday. I'll hav eto wait until the DVD comes before I can share them. He put all 703 on his website and they are not all good so I only want to share with people the good ones. lol I am a little disappointed in some of them. I guess I expected all our pictures to look like the ones in his portfolio, but like my husband says... how many thousands of photos did he take to get those 50 or so pics he has on his site? true enough. I'd say of the 703 he took, only one is worthy of being in his portfolio. That is not to say the rest are not good, they are just not what I thought they'd be. I haven't looked at them yet today, so maybe I will be less critical. I just wish he did more close up shots. They all seem so far away and there really isn't that one classic put in a frame shot of me and the husband. Not with noth our eyes open anyway... we'll see. It's going to be a lot of work going through all these pictures. I feel I need to crop a bunch and photoshop a bit. I am probably being overly critical because I have a passion for photography and would have lined up some of the shots a little differently.

All that being said- I hope he doesnt read this post!!! LOL Overall he was great to work with, extremely polite and professional and his pictures are good. I just have to get over my insecurities (like the fact that I have wrinkles and never knew this until last night!!!!haha) and you can actually see the gray in my hair in a couple shots. Pretty hard to look at 600+ pictures of yourself and NOT be critical.

I love the reception pictures he took. They are a lot of fun and turned out well so I am pretty excited about those.

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Sue-I am sorry to hear about your loss. I am happy to hear though that you seem to have and will hold a fond memory and the opportunity to say goodbye, many don't. I am sure it is hard for family now, and remember it is just that they enjoy the comfort of being together in a time like this to want you to be there, not to make you feel guilty. We are here for you.


Chris-I am so happy that you received your photos! It is hard to to look through them and not be so critical, especially when you are looking for something specific. Try not to be so harsh on yourself, you looked beautiful! We all have little things I am sure we would like to change, but we are who we are, and we are all beautiful women, embrace it! And, if the tiny wrinkles (that I am sure you only notice ) and gray hair bother you, ask him to edit it. he is professional photographer and will be able to do it, and should. I realize that may mean a longer wait period, but it might help you find something you like more. I am sure I can speak for the group that we are all pins and needles to see your shots. I am sure if we saw them we would think they are wonderful!


Erica, I looked through you FB photos, and I love them! I only was able to look at them on my iphone so far, so to get the full effect and add comments I will have to look at home later. Also, I am so happy to see you had an amazing little trip with your hubby, the location looked wonderful!


Timberly-Sorry to hear about the credit card drama! I agree, definitely call and talk to them, sometimes they can help the situation...Also, I am not much of a shopper, but if all you brides are ever planning on a gathering in the city, I am down. Brooke, I think you mentioned coming through NYC for work, so let us ladies know :)


Brooke-How are you feeling? I started getting the nausea the beginning of April. It is hell. But, luckily it really only effects me every few days. I think the trick is to keep eating small meals all day long. The only symptoms that are constant are the fatigue and headaches. These headaches are like migraines and tylenol isn't curing them. And I am so tired at night, and all through the day really, that it is unbelievable.


But, I am into my 8th week and we saw the doctor on Monday. The baby is 11.3mm so far and the doctor said it looks great. We saw the heartbeat and heard it a little bit. I have never seen or heard this before so it was pretty amazing. Not to mention that overwhelming feeling I got when seeing it knowing that we had created this little being and it was growing inside me. It was all pretty intense. Haven't gained any weight yet, and happy about that :) Already eating nonstop and so far it seems the baby really likes watermelon and frozen yogurt (okay maybe I liked them before, but I REALLY LOVE them now-think about it all the time).


Also, looking back through posts, I am so jealous of you ladies that had AHR's, they look like a blast. How did it feel to get to put your dress back on? The cupcake towers and cakes are beautiful! They really look like so much fun.


On a similar note, do some of you feel a little blue when you see the posts on here for brides still planning? I am not sure if I am just hormonal and blue, but I thought that feeling was going to go away and it hasn't quite yet. I am still so jealous of all of those in anticipation of their big days and all the planning...I don't know, thought I would ask, maybe I am just being weird.


In addition, Krista B, I will continue to enjoy hearing about your details and questions you may have, maybe I can live vicariously through your wedding planning :)


Well, I better get back to work now that I have written a novel!


Thanks for listening everyone!

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YAY I am not alone in cyber space today!!!! God I don't think I have done anything at work today but look at my pictures... LOL I like them, I do... I think the problem is there are so many that it's a bit overwhelming. Once I get the DVD I am going to select my favourites and create a slide show for people to see. My mom agreed, we don't want the unflattering ones circulating around our friends and family haha. We are so vain. I really wasn't expecting ALL our pictures to be up online. I didn't want to share them all, LOL I don't know why. Maybe I won't care in a couple of days. There are alot of pictures of this one friend of mine... kind of annoys me. Anyway, she really wants to see all the pictures but I don't want to show her. She has this way to make everything about her and what she likes/wants. So I am being a byatch and am not sending anyone the link, LOL I wonder if I can link a few here? It's a flash slideshow so maybe not... I'll try! In any respect, he is sending the DVD via fedex so I am sure I will have it really fast.

Sabrina- your idea of him photoshopping stuff out would be nice, but I think all his after work on the pictures are done. There is a lot of work for me to do. A lot of cropping etc... before some of these pictures make it into an album.


I have to re-iterate Timberley's question... what company are you all using for the albums? I have seen ones done by snapfish and they are cheap... but I think I want something more fancy for my wedding album. I found an amazing Canadian company that does really preofessional leather bound books with 40 dbl sided pages, but I really can not stomach spending $300 on an album. Especially when I have to make three! (One for us, and noth sets of parents). I think it would be fun to do a small album for my bridesmaids with all the silly fun pictures he took of us. Most of those won't make it into a 'serious' album, haha


Sorry to hear you are starting to feel nauxious. That is no fun. Especially if you have a long commute. I don't know what I am going to do if I get morning/anytimeofday sickness, lol. I have a short 1/2 hr commute but it's on an express bus and there is no stopping once I get picked up. It's also standing room only by then too. It will certainly be an adventure!

8 weeks... wow. So exciting. I hope you continue to update us. :) I have to admit, I am feeling the same way as you about all these girls and their planning. I wouldn't say I am jealous, just a little melancholic I suppose about the whole thing being over.

I woke up this morning and told my husband I feel depressed. He's all and concerned and aske why? in a way that was questioning how I could possibly be sad. I know in my heart it is/was because we finally got the pictures so now the whole thing really is over.

I am still gutted we didn't have sun on our wedding day, LOL *Get over it I KNOW!!


I wish we could have afforded to do an AHR. Just wasn't in the budget and we would have been back to the same problem we always had- everyone is spread out all over the country...


Erica I can't wait to see more of your pictures. I'll have to check out your Facebook when I get home.


oK lovely ladies, I suppose I should get to work, but really, I am probably going to go look at my pictures again!!! rofl.gif


My sig pic and avatar are the best ones btw... Kind of sad. *Sigh

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Just a quick question guys- My intention always was to send a picture of us, and a picture of our guest in our Thank-You cards. We only had 37 guests so it's not that big a deal financially to do. I found these Thank-You cards that I just love, but they are 5 x 3.5. Is it cheap to print out pictures that small? I mean, obviously family will get more or bigger ones later on down the road, but 3.5 x 5 picture as a thank-you... is that ok? check out the cards... they are so cute!


Click the image to open in full size.

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I like those Chris. I was actually thinking about doing that - or getting custom ones from Vistaprint. Still haven't decided what we're doing yet.


Sorry to hear about your pics. I know exactly what you're talking about. One pic in particular everyone was saying how much they liked it and then I pipe up and say I hate my smile ha ha ha We are our own worst critics.


So remember all my ranting about the SIL? Well our reception is this weekend and she's gone and done it again. BIL was a part of the wedding party and we weren't really sure if we were doing a wedding party dance or what. So hubby gets an email today from her saying that BIL will not be taking part in any wedding party dances. They didn't even dance at their own wedding and that we should really respect that. So hubby emails his mom like what the heck, the world does not revolve around her. So the mom said she didn't say anything, but then hubby gets another email saying that they're not coming on Saturday that they haven't tried to ruin everything and on and on. So hubby tells me not to tell any one because he was sure his mom was going to try to convince them to come. I tell him I don't want them there any more. Ugg so frustrating and we're fighting because of them. The reason we're fighting is because I'm tired of them blaming him and I'm tired of him thinking it's okay to be blamed. I told him that I understood that he's used to it, but that I wasn't okay with it and I never will be.


So I need to let it go...I really do, it's just really fresh right now. So I get home and get on FB and guess who has taken us off her's. Mature!! I'm not into playing games, but let me tell you if I was to play I would do it better. I really want nothing to do with them...but for hubby's nephew. I guess sometimes you have to give up good things in life.

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Hi All :)


Gosh so many things to reply to...


Susie, Im so sorry to hear about your Grandpa... my Nan is 91 and I am nervous knowing its going to come sometime. Its a fantastic thing to be able to live 90 years!!


Timberly, Thanks for the info about where to shop! Come meet us! I think my flight out of LGA leaves at 6 so we will be out and about early afternoon... (I will fb my number)

Oh and Ive got lots of expletives for credit card companies. I had a savings account that I left open when I moved from LA to FLA... and I tried to close it (it had a + balance) and couldn't because CA and FL have different systems, anyway, they kept finance charging me until it had a negative balance and then dinged my credit. Bastards!


Krista H- Im sorry to hear about your SIL sad.gif Hopefully time will heal things.


Krista (July) - Did the dress come yet? I am hoping that it works for you!!


Chris- I was about to jump through the computer to kill your photog when I read that the pics came. I agree, it is totally overwhelming getting all of them. We had a total of 450 picutres and some of them are doubles of the same shot. God knows what the photog did for 6 hours. Still 450 took FOREVER to look through. I just put together a 45page (double side) album using shutterfly- they have 20% off and free shipping. It arrived today and looks good. Having a tough time picking what shot to give the parentals. Also, we have exactly the same thank you cards as the ones above, so cute but they are too damn small for a 4x6 photo... I looked for prob 2 weeks for 4x6 thank you cards and never found any. Instead we have 5x7 blank cards and I made my own. Stamps and colored pencils- kind of homemade but the pictures fit.


Breens, I am stalking your wedding pics. Your bridesmaids dress colors were awesome.


Brooke- I kind of feel bad the idea of crashing Krista's wedding I mean she wont get to hang out? Maybe we could all do NYC in the fall? Timberly and Breens are close, you travel a lot, and most everyone else is way closer to NY than Mexico... whatever the group decides to do though, I will do my best to meet up.


I went to the ob gyn today and was reassured that everything looks normal. She said 75% of couples trying get pregnant in 6 months. That prompted the question, should we stop trying? I think we are going to keep getting busy regularly and see what happens :) Loving hearing about morning sickness. I look forward to all of it :)

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Chris- So glad you finally got your pics!! I was a little disappointed too that I couldn't find that one great picture frame shot, but as I look at them more I really like them.


Sabrina- 8 weeks?!?! WHooHoo!! I hope you start to feel a little better!


Alison- I also looked EVERYWHERE for thank yous to fit a 4x6 picture. I couldn't find them anywhere and didn't want to pay $3 or $4 a piece buying them individually. I also decided to make my own. They were very plain....but looked nice and ended up being very cheap. I also like the idea of meeting up in NY in the fall! Glad to hear the doc says everything looks good! Did they tell you to wait a little longer and then if necessary they'll run some tests?


Krista- Are these ADULTS we're talking about here?? I say let them have their pity party at home while you guys enjoy your night!!

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hi Ali! I totally agree with you re. a fall get together in NYC. I live in Mtl. and it's really easy to get to the city. Not the cheapest weekend mind you, but any excuse to go to NYC!!! It's been 5 yrs... wow. So if you girls are in, I am totally there! I would love to meet you guys. Brooke and Sabrina will be pretty preggers by then too. Oh wait- yeah... then Brooke can't travel. I don't think you are allowed to fly once you are in your 7th month. Well, it's something to discuss anyway.


I really want to use those cards!! Do you think printing 3.5x5 size pictures is cheap? (as in cheap on my part giving away such smal pics?) Can you still find frames that accomodate that size? For our friends... I am not sure they'll want a 4x6 of us on display in their house anyway... so maybe 3.5x5 isn't so bad? I'll have to see.


As for what your gyno said Ali, yeah 6 months seems to be the norm. I wouldn't worry. I stopped worrying myself. I think I put all this weight into it right after we got back because I needed something to fill the void of my wedding being over. But now that it's been two months, I have settled back into reality and house renos etc... that I am more relaxed about it. Plus the trying is fun. wink.gif I have to say, and yeah I know TMI, but man, we have had the best sex lately than we have had in years! haha

Weâ€ll both be joining in on the morning sickness soon enough. wink.gif


Oh but I HAVE to vent!! Sorry guys... I am a long poster, lol But this girl that works beside me is pregnant, but no one is supposed to know... I am NOT supposed to know, but she is a loud Italian and spends most her days on the phone talking to her husband and friends. SO annoying. Anyway, so I cracked the case a couple weeks ago and I think she is 10 weeks pregnant. I have to admit, I was a little jealous. She is just one of those people that always gets what they want but are so ungrateful for all of it. You know? And the timing of things between her and me just suck. I got engaged in July of 2008, she got engaged in August. Everyone at work fawns over her ( I think out of fear ) so everything always is about her all the time. Total Diva. Anyway, so she had her big Italian wedding last August (a yr later). For an entire year I had to listen to her planning her wedding on the phone all day, arguing with her controlling MIL. It's annoying, because all of her big moments have totally overshadowed mine. Petty I know, I admit it, but it's annoying. Especially when she is so ungrateful and claims hating being the centre of attention. *Yeah right. So the funny thing is we all know she is pregnant, but she doesnâ€t know that we know. At least once she makes her big announcement, no one will be surprised. lol Ok I sound like a real bitch but you just have to understand the situation. I mean, the day I get back to work from my wedding, instead of talking about me and my wedding, she had to show me her album she made from her wedding. Her wedding was 6 months ago!!!! Let me have my moment! So now she is back in the spotlight with her pregnancy and it just sux because she even said last fall she doesn't have a maternal bone in her body... lucky kid! Wow, so here is little Miss Diva again, getting everything she wants but complaining every minute of the day about it. You should have seen the scene she made the other day after she got back from the Doctors office. She had a huge fight with her husband because I guess he took the ultra sound picture to show his mom and his mom kept it. The whole office heard this argument, yet the fact she is pregnant is a secret. huh.gif

Anyway.............. all this to say..... it sucks to sit next to someone everyday who has upstaged me for the last three years in every big moment in our lives and listen to her complain and argue. Itâ€s stressful.


On a funnier note, I had mentioned to my husband last night about a possible meet up with you girls in NYC. He thinks I am crazy, but this is nothing new. Anyway, I said itâ€s a cool group and we all feel so close. I told him how two of the girls are already pregnant and how exciting it is for all of us to share these moments. Right away heâ€s like- theyâ€re ALL pregnant already. LOL Like itâ€s a competition. I said no- only 2 out of what? 7 of us trying to conceive. Heâ€s hilarious. I think menâ€s manlihood gets threatened or something if it doesnâ€t happen right away.


All this being said…. I am NOT the jealous type and I am SOOO excited for Brooke and Sabrina. Sincerely excited. I just truly dislike my co-worker.


Krista- what is up with your BIL and his wifehuh.gif I remember there was tension and drama but I canâ€t remember why? It boggles my mind to think a brother would not show up to his other brotherâ€s wedding. So sad. She sounds like sheâ€d get along really well with my co-worker. HAHA


Ok guys, I gotta get a life and get off this board, lol My boss is out of town until Monday. Canâ€t say I am going to work too hard. Bad Christina! I finally got a raise last week after 2 1/2 yrs so I am pretty stoked. I better keep up the good work. Donâ€t want to get in trouble.


Timberly- how do you already know your credit score has been affected? I donâ€t think we have the same system in Canada. If itâ€s a big deal I would definitely not let this drop.

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