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Ok, sorry this has taken so long to get out, but our house has been crazy lately! So let me start by thanking all the girls on the forum for their help with ideas and templates!! I originally started with doing a passport STD, but after a month of messing with it I made these up within a couple of hours. It did not take long to personalize them, but assembling and cutting them took forever!!! The magnets were an afterthought from a comment a co-worker had made. The boarding pass envelope and a little line at the bottom and thought a little magnet would be perfect! I agree! I had a few people call me and tell me they thought they were real! Ha ha!! We got sooooo many compliments on them I am so glad I did them myself, with FI!


So the boarding passes were made out of 110 lb paper from Wal-Mart, the envelopes were from 65 ib paper from Michael's. The beach mailing envelope was from Office Max. The magnets were made out of left over paper and the sheets of magnets with the peel away back. We bought and used a perforator, straight edge, and the corner cutters from Michael's. I will say the entire thing cost 61 cents to mail per STD. Each STD cost about $1.50 give or take a few cents. So with that said here are the pics. I will attach the templates for the STD and the magnets with the background. Let me know if you need any help or have any questions.


This is the entire STD, 4 passes.

Click the image to open in full size.


The STD and magnets

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Our magnets

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The inside of our jacket

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The front of our STD

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Our beach mailing envelope

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Boarding Pass magnet Template.ppt

Boarding Pass Template.ppt

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