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October 2010 Brides?

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Originally Posted by BrideMichele View Post
I found a sand picture frame for our sand ceremony! Hoooray! I love the idea of putting a wedding photo in the frame that contains the sand from our ceremony! I had to search high and low but I found it on etsy. <insert big sigh of relief>
Which one on etsy did you get? I ordered a sand picture frame from etsy too! I just got it last night. It came with 2 vases and a small silver funnel. I love it! The frame is really nice and it came with instructions on how to keep the sand from spilling out.

This is the one I ordered. Unity Sand Ceremony Frame by SayAnythingDesign on Etsy
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Ha! That is so funny we ordered the same one!


Oh, $26 for shipping is alot, but it really is a good frame. I ordered one from linen n things but it opens on the side and I don't think it will work for the ceremony. I was thrilled when I found a frame that was actually made for a sand ceremony.

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Great frame. I haven't decided if I want to do a sand ceremony or not (FI probly doesn't even know what that is, haha).


I am really frustrated with my dollar tree cups/lids. I can't find anything to use for personalizing, tried clear adhesive paper... looks really cloudy, and now rub on transfer paper, still really cloudy. I may end up using a darn paint pen!!!


I need to take a few days off wedding planning and get ready for Bunco at my house in just over a week. How sad that I'm thinking about color coordinating the food/drink!!! argh, just some snacks and soda/wine/cocktails will be fine.

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Thanks so much for the welcomes :)


Wendy I saw that we had the same date after I posted last time! That's awesome!!


Sorry to hear about your mugs Aly..that just reminds me though that I should get mine right away!! And hopefully your able to figure something out with a photographer!

I had wanted to do a sand ceremony and hadn't even heard of a sand ceremony frame but I definitely going to have to look into this since I didnt know what exactly I was going to do for our sand ceremony! this may be the perfect solution!! SOO happy I found this thread! woot.gif

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Wendy I remember reading something about waterproof adhesives a while back. I searched around and found the thread I saw it on. I'm going to copy and paste the page below ( I dont know if this will work..)




Crap! I dont think that will work. AAAAANyways, search "canadian oot bag info where to shop" and the picture of SuzyQ's mugs are on page 49. I'm so bad at computers!

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