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October 2010 Brides?

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I'm with you, sure there are things that could be done, but all the key things are done except alterations and I have an appt for that.  I could stand to firm up a little but I can still wear my bikini and wedding dress with no problem.  My biggest problem is totally non wedding, my cleaning lady keeps standing me up so I told her not to bother coming this time, so tonight I get to clean my house smile27.gif


Everyone breathe, make sure the big things are done and don't sweat all the little details. Good luck.  Today is 2mo from my big day!!!

Originally Posted by MayanLily View Post

CJ, you look stunning!!!


HI OCTOBER BRIDES!!! I have been living under a rock for a month. Trying to work my butt off so I can take some vacation time next weekend. BC here we come!


So I have been reading a few of your posts and everyone seems really overwhelmed with stuff to do..... I think I'm missing something LOL I haven't been going crazy at all and that's whats worrying me. I have an "it'll all work out" attitude which might actually get me into trouble come October. WHat's everyone been busy doing?

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Sorry to hear about your cleaning lady Wendy!! Wish I could come help ya! That sounds like a bummer!


Congrats on your 2 month countdown!!


Originally Posted by wendyjd View Post

I'm with you, sure there are things that could be done, but all the key things are done except alterations and I have an appt for that.  I could stand to firm up a little but I can still wear my bikini and wedding dress with no problem.  My biggest problem is totally non wedding, my cleaning lady keeps standing me up so I told her not to bother coming this time, so tonight I get to clean my house smile27.gif


Everyone breathe, make sure the big things are done and don't sweat all the little details. Good luck.  Today is 2mo from my big day!!!


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Originally Posted by hat0112 View Post


CJ you look great!


Yeah I have been trying to eat or drink (low cal protein powder) more protein and I started to add some strength training. I donâ€t do nearly as much strength training as I need to so I need to step up on that.


RunningBride24 – any tips to not look bloated you want to share? I have my BD photos on 8/22 and I will just be coming off of TOM so I will be extremely bloated.


I have been busy with the music for ceremony, cocktail hour and reception, the OOT bags, putting together the little DIY projects for the items in the bags, the welcome booklets I need to put together, the wedding favors, the 40 chair sashes I need to iron, trying to get my FI to go get his black suit before all the summer suits are gone, trying to lose weight so I can zipper my dress, still need to get clothes to wear on my honeymoon, need to discuss details for wedding day with WC and find out what I still need to do, and I have a list of things I havenâ€t even started like what I am going to do with my hair.


Knacarato – I WISH I need to gain weight. I really donâ€t know much about gaining weight healthy. Maybe if you start eating more fruit and veggies and other healthy food.


I canâ€t believe I will be married in 72 days 6 hours 43 minutes and 15 seconds! smile29.gif



I think we're on the same page except I have not done anythong with music, OOt bags, favors, welcome items. I'm seriously slacking! I just started looking for outfits for the guys. OMG, now I'm stressed.


When is your wedding??

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Cardio AND weights. Do weights in the am, cardio at night. The week before avoid all bloating foods (broccoli, beans) and ANYTHING with sodium!! Crunches won't help unless you get rid of the fat over the muscles. Avoid carbs after noon. This is nothing long term, I'm just doing it for the next 2 months. A month ago I was 135, I'm 129 now and I want to be 124 on wedding day. I'll message you some things. Oh, I manage a personal training company, so I'm around this 24/7.

Originally Posted by YrishCathe View Post


I'd love some advice. I am getting married 10.10.10 so exactly 60 days from now. I've started P90x and I'm in second month, so far, I feel more fit but I really need to lose more weight. My problem area is my stomach. My bachelorette party is in Miami and it is starting Sept. 9 so I only have 1 month to get flatter abs. Please help!!!!! I'm trying to do 2-a-days....


AHHH I LOVE this idea! A morning wedding will be BEAUTIFUL! I can't wait to see pictures!!


Ladies one of our clients is big on mottos and you've probably heard this but "Nothing tastes as good as thin feels". 


CJ I love love the dress, gorgeous!


Originally Posted by Bride Loving CJ View Post

My wedding is on 10.10.10 at 10:10 in the morning so I will only be having a mimosa hour after the ceremony (since people will have eaten breakfast and it won't quite be time for lunch and then that evening we will have a formal dinner (I'm not sure if I can call it a reception since there will only be 9 people including FI and I).


What's the app called? What kind of phone do you have? I could sure use that kind of motivation. I have a T-Mobile G1.



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Thanks so much Running Bride!! And thanks for sharing your fitness tips!


Originally Posted by RunningBride24 View Post

CJ I love love the dress, gorgeous!


Guess what ladies!! Great News!!



I got the much anticipated email this morning!!



MY DRESS IS HERE!! Whewwww Whoooo!!!



It's becoming so real!!thewave.gif

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I have the Verizon Driod. I believe you have the same apps I do. The app is called Countdown by AoB.  I have it displayed on my front screen and I love seeing the seconds go by....


Originally Posted by Bride Loving CJ View Post


What's the app called? What kind of phone do you have? I could sure use that kind of motivation. I have a T-Mobile G1.



We did the wax seal on the outer envelopes of our invites (we only used one envelope) and the post office mailed them with no problem. My cousin used the wax seals too without any problems. Just make sure that if your invites are over an ounce that you get the right stamps or the post office will return them to you with a big stamp on them.


Originally Posted by Bride Loving CJ View Post

Oh, something else exciting happend to me today!!!! My invitations came in!!! YYIIPPEEEEE!!! I am going to spend the next 2 days running them through a printer in a fancy Calligraphy font (I wanted a hand calligrapher but I don't have the time or the money so oh well :-( .......maybe for my AHR) then they should be off by the weekend. Whewww, so I'll be in between the 6-8 weeks the experts suggest! Yeaaaa!


Now, I just have to figure out if I want to do the wax seal? I think it's really pretty but some people suggest only if you are hand delivering the invitations because the post office doesn't like to run them through the machine. But I was thinking of maybe putting them on the inner envelope. What do you ladies think? Has anyone done wax seals for mailing invitations?

Our wedding in 10/22/10 in Aruba. I have a little bit done in each catagory, but nothing completed or close to it. I need to take a weekend and try adn get tit all done. I may even pass something on to my Mom. She keeps saying she wants to be mroe involved in teh wedding. Maybe she can work on my chair sashes or something.


Originally Posted by Scorpio30 View Post

I think we're on the same page except I have not done anythong with music, OOt bags, favors, welcome items. I'm seriously slacking! I just started looking for outfits for the guys. OMG, now I'm stressed.


When is your wedding??


Thanks for the tips. I started doing workout classes at lunch and they are my toning classes, then I do the treadmill and elliptical at night. I need to add some weights into my weekends. The no carbs after noon will be tough. I have carbs at every meal and snack. Maybe I will start now will trying not limit the amount of carbs at dinner and go from there. And limit my processed foods since they are always high in sodium.



I use that motto all the time! I am a Weight Watchers leader and I say that to my members at every meeting! It is my favorite!


Originally Posted by RunningBride24 View Post

Cardio AND weights. Do weights in the am, cardio at night. The week before avoid all bloating foods (broccoli, beans) and ANYTHING with sodium!! Crunches won't help unless you get rid of the fat over the muscles. Avoid carbs after noon. This is nothing long term, I'm just doing it for the next 2 months. A month ago I was 135, I'm 129 now and I want to be 124 on wedding day. I'll message you some things. Oh, I manage a personal training company, so I'm around this 24/7.



Ladies one of our clients is big on mottos and you've probably heard this but "Nothing tastes as good as thin feels". 

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I did a wax seal and it was hit or miss.  Some people said it was full on when they received it and others were totally off.  They looked great though!


I am doing cardio and weights too.  I'm hoping to lose at least 10 lbs in two months. My problem is alcohol and carbs.  I just love them so much!! I pushed my first fitting out in the hopes I would fit in it better.


On my to do list: OOT bags, finalize script and readings, finalize playlist, finish bridesmaids gifts and still debating on how to do my hair and make up.  Still don't have my whole waredrobe either but working on it!


I'm thinking about doing lash extensions, the kind that last 2 months but I'm scared.  Has anyone used them?

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CJ - I LOVE your dress. Very pretty details and the bottoms look awesome!!!


MayanLiy -  I just finished with our pre-travel brochure and got them in the mail from VISTA. Finally my FI found the white pants he wanted...but still looking for his shoes. I have not purchase anything for our reception decoration...I need to make an appointment for my bridal hair trial and makeup lesson from MAC...I need to finish up the OOT bag stuff... We need to start creating the music list for the ceremony and reception...oh man. where do I stop? I feel like we are almost there but I just been not to motivated to do all the last detail items. Ahhh... I can't wait till October is here so that I can stop worrying about it.


Knacarato - Are you stressed out lately? That's a lot of weight to lose in such a short time for your size. I don't think you should try to gain weight... if you are sure this is going to be your weight by the time October comes around, you should just get the dress altered. You stressing out about the weight might make you lose more weight~

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You look so fit and lean in your photo right now, I can't believe you still want to lose more weight! Thanks so much for all of your advices, it is really helping out.

I'm trying to do the 2-a-days with weights in the morning and cardio at night but something always seem to come up and I end up not having enough time at night. I need to lose 5 lbs by Sept. 9th!

Thank you for all the tips!!!! SO hard to be a bride!!!!

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Thanks for the App! I downloaded it just now.


Thanks for the advice on the wax seals. I went to Micheals yesterday to price them and was going to buy them because the packs have 4 sticks in them and each stick does 10-15 for only 4.99. That's a pretty good price for (retail) wax sticks so I was going to get them but I found these cute little paper cutter things with a sand dollar for $3.99 in the clearance section and had a coupon and knew I would get another when I checked out so I left the wax and got my clearence item (b/c I didnt want it to be gone and couldn't use the coupon anyway) so I'll go back today after work and use my 40% coupon to get the wax, then every coupon I get after that, I'll use on wax. That's only like $2 and some change for each pack. Over all, I think I will need 3 packs. I'm going to do them on the inner envelope only. I'm super psyched!


Aaawww Aruba! That sounds so nice!! I know your wedding will be awesome!!


Originally Posted by hat0112 View Post

I have the Verizon Driod. I believe you have the same apps I do. The app is called Countdown by AoB.  I have it displayed on my front screen and I love seeing the seconds go by....


We did the wax seal on the outer envelopes of our invites (we only used one envelope) and the post office mailed them with no problem. My cousin used the wax seals too without any problems. Just make sure that if your invites are over an ounce that you get the right stamps or the post office will return them to you with a big stamp on them.


Our wedding in 10/22/10 in Aruba. I have a little bit done in each catagory, but nothing completed or close to it. I need to take a weekend and try adn get tit all done. I may even pass something on to my Mom. She keeps saying she wants to be mroe involved in teh wedding. Maybe she can work on my chair sashes or something.


Thanks for the advice on the wax seals. I'm going to go ahead and do them b/c I really, really want them so I'll just do inner envelopes and see what happens.

WOW, I totally over looked my script readings and playlist. I really need to work on that. AM NOT LOOKING FORWARD to that task.


I've never used the lashes so I can't give good advice bu my BFF uses them because she cheers for an NFL team and all the girls are required to have them and she seems to really enjoy them and say they are great. She says having a good tech who can give good application is key.

Originally Posted by avong1228 View Post

I did a wax seal and it was hit or miss.  Some people said it was full on when they received it and others were totally off.  They looked great though!


On my to do list: OOT bags, finalize script and readings, finalize playlist, finish bridesmaids gifts and still debating on how to do my hair and make up.  Still don't have my whole waredrobe either but working on it!


I'm thinking about doing lash extensions, the kind that last 2 months but I'm scared.  Has anyone used them?

Thanks so much chong for the compliment. Your too sweet!


Pre-travel brochures :-( I'm not looking forward to that either. Seems like such a big project and I'm sure I'll leave something out but I'm getting them printed at vista also so at least I'll save some money.

Originally Posted by chong View Post

CJ - I LOVE your dress. Very pretty details and the bottoms look awesome!!!


MayanLiy -  I just finished with our pre-travel brochure and got them in the mail from VISTA. Finally my FI found the white pants he wanted...but still looking for his shoes. I have not purchase anything for our reception decoration...I need to make an appointment for my bridal hair trial and makeup lesson from MAC...I need to finish up the OOT bag stuff... We need to start creating the music list for the ceremony and reception...oh man. where do I stop? I feel like we are almost there but I just been not to motivated to do all the last detail items. Ahhh... I can't wait till October is here so that I can stop worrying about it.


I agree! Thanks for the tips Running Bride! In the words of "YrishCathe", "SO hard to be a bride!!!" LOL


Originally Posted by YrishCathe View Post



Thank you for all the tips!!!! SO hard to be a bride!!!!

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