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The US Post Office!

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The US Post Office sucks.


They smash our mail in the mailbox, say they delivered packages when they didn't, will not help you find said missing packages, and do not leave missed delivery slips!


No wonder they are loosing so much money. It's not due to increase in the use of email, it's due to their lack of care and Customer Service!! They say they've delivered an item and it hasn't. The only way we can get customer service from them is if the vendor we purchase from contacts the USPO. Otherwise, they only inform us that the package has been delivered. Last time, after the vendor contact the USPO, the manager of our Post Office branch hand delivered the missing package which was at their facility the censored.gif whole time. Their package tracking system is a JOKE!


UPS and FedEx gets all my business and I personally request their use with vendors when I can.


Arrrrrgh!!! Thank you. I need to vent.

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LOL. I just ranted about the post office today on another thread. I took my invites in to make sure they didn't need extra postage and the guy who works there acted like I was a total retard. And everytime I go in for other stuff he just makes rude comments. But they are so much cheaper to ship stuff than big brown or FE. USPS... WTF?!

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Originally Posted by da.shmoopies View Post
and do not leave missed delivery slips!
I agree with everything you said but this is my pet peeve! I either don't get these slips or when I do they say they missed me on the 4th and the slip doesn't show up until the 6th.

I did an experiment and waited ALL day for something that was supposed to come that day, and the mail lady didn't come at all. My mailbox is at my front door and my dog barks whenever she comes near. I know I didn't miss her. Two days later I get the "sorry we missed you" notice dated for the day I waited at home, along with a few days worth of mail. WTF? You didn't miss me, you never came!

Uggh, and don't get me started on the quality of employee you'll find when you go into the post office for any reason. Hello I don't work here, you do, so no I don't know the difference between express and priority and yes I need you to tell me what my best option is. And you can leave your bad attitude at home. The unemployment line is pretty long these days, they should be happy to have a job. And it's not like they make minimum wage either, you know?

There is one lady who is exceptionally nice at our branch and I've spoken with her supervisor to commend her, but for the most part I am amazed that some of these people are allowed to keep their jobs.

Okay my rant is done :)
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Going to the post office is extremely frustrating!! Why during peak hours like lunch time when people need to get in & out do they only have 2 people working with 4 other counters unattended & a line of about 15 people. It's like they do not care nor do they try to move quickly to help you. They are exactly like the DMV!!

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Starchild, they said they delivered the package last Wednesday. My fiance was home all day, and, like you, we have a dog that barks if anyone comes to the gate. NO one delivered that package on Wednesday. Liars!


Now the vendor that sent the package is saying that if the USPO says it was delivered then it was delivered, and it will be hard to dispute. Sooo unlike the last vendor who called the Post Office until they found the damn package.

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