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Cheat Your Way Thin diet ~ **guide available to download in post #45**


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Deb - don't forget, it's only one night. If you fall off, then you just get right back up! that's all! don't stress about it!


Amy - you have no idea how bad my work is! during the month of december, we had a schedule to sign up to bring food in EVERYDAY! it was nutso!!! I work with a group of about 35 women who all love to cook, it's sooooo bad, but soooo great at the same time! lol


K and I fell off the wagon yesterday. He's sick right now and I felt bad. We made meatball subs, which totally isn't too bad (obviously the bread is bad) but he felt sorry for himself and bought ice cream. UGH! BAck on the wagon today. That's all you have to do!

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Thanks for sending me the document Lisa!! I am going to a wedding this weekend, where I know there will be wine that I will want to have. In preparation of this, I have not had wine in more than a month (or booze of any sort!). Think I can do this guilt free? Any other suggestions for the ever-tempting wedding food!! Ahhhh....worried already.

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yeah Kathy, that's so exciting!! woo hoo!!! woot.gif


Debbie - good for you girl!!


So it's been a super sucky week for me for eating. I did weigh myself this morning and only lost .7 - I know, at least it's something but wft man?! lol It's our cheat day today, mind you, I've been cheating all week except for monday. I'm hoping to get back on track tomorrow! K, on the other hand lost 6 lbs - the f'ker! lol gotta love those damned men!!

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Good work Kathy and Lisa - yeah I'd take .7 a week with a little cheating.


I did a lot of cheating and did not lose anything. I have been very lazy since getting back from the holidays. Today is a new month and I am determined to lose 5-7 pounds in February! I am scheduling all of my workouts and menu items today for the week. Next week I have 4 straight days of client visits - but will have the restaurants in advance so I can figure out what to eat for the lunches and dinners.


I hate how quickly the men lose weight - so unfair!


Lisa - have you been getting the "so, when are you going to have kids?" questions now that you've tied the knothuh.gif

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I'm back on the bandwagon today, after 2 days of 'cheating'! I have been going to the gym regularly though so I guess I've been good there. All you can do when you cheat, is start fresh the next day. I think losing 5-7 pounds in a month sounds totally doable!


Good luck to all of us :)

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Originally Posted by amybermuda View Post
Lisa - have you been getting the "so, when are you going to have kids?" questions now that you've tied the knothuh.gif
hahahah yeah dammit!!! We're not even sure of when we want kids or if we want any. It annoys me. People should just mind their own business! Seriously, you don't know if people want kids, are having problems having children - sheesh!! Anyway, I'm done my little rant now! lol

Back on the wagon today! I'm also aiming to lose 5-7 lbs this month but would love to lose 10. We'll see I guess!! I'm gonna update my ticker now with my new mini-goal (as I seriously have A LOT of weight to lose!)

ok so I did my update my ticket which is my weight loss goal for this year. (or as close to it as I can get! lol) wish me luck ladies!!!!
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