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Cheat Your Way Thin diet ~ **guide available to download in post #45**


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I'm printing it out right now and going to read through it later tonight. I saw you mention that you have to cut carbs and I LOVE my carbs so much, and really am not a big meat person - this may be a hard one for me to follow, but I'll see after I read through it to see what's involved. And thanks again Lisa for sharing!!!

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I just read through the entire plan, sort of sounds like a twist of the south beach diet, but I love the cheat day because that's usually what de-rails my diets. I cheat and then I end up eating horribly for days or weeks because of one mess up. It will be nice to have a cheat day and not have to feel guilty!


I've been doing well eating wise this week, so I think because I leave on vacation in a couple of weeks, I'll just stick with what I'm doing now until I get back. No point in having a binge day this week when I just got myself to stop bingeing, lol!!


I would love for you ladies that have already started to continue posting about your progress! I'll be starting in September and will keep you posted!

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I'm going to start it with you ladies! I'm WAY overweight, I am only 15 pounds away from the heaviest I've ever been. I have 90 pounds to lose (yikes) and I have about 11 months to do it.

Best of luck to everyone else, let's do this!!!

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lisa, thanks for directing me here. like i told you in the curvacious thread, i've been waiting to start when BL7 starts up, but now that feels more like i'm just procrastinating, since i'm not sure there will be another season of BL at all.


i am curious about the protein shakes, because no two are the same. i find it weird that the diet just mentions "protein shake" without saying what the total calories or nutritional breakdown of said shake should be, KWIM? especially for something you're supposed to have before bed! anyway, DH and i just got a BJ's membership (it's a bulk store like costco), so i'll probably look for a good shake mix there.


and lisa ... ewwwww cottage cheese ... BARF! i agree with kathy ... it's a texture thing!

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(Cougar)Lisa - Yeah, I think he doesn't give specific amounts of anything in the diet on purpose. I go by his portion method for most things: size of your fist for carbs, size of the palm of your hand for protein. As far as the shakes go, if I'm on low carb day, I mix water, protein powder (1 scoop) and crushed ice and drink it. If I'm on a low gi/gl day I do the same but add raspberries, if I'm on a high gi/gl day, I do the same but instead of raspberries, I put in a whole banana. It's pretty basic but it works for me. They're definitely better with the fruit in them lol.

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Originally Posted by ~*Kathy*~ View Post
(Cougar)Lisa - Yeah, I think he doesn't give specific amounts of anything in the diet on purpose. I go by his portion method for most things: size of your fist for carbs, size of the palm of your hand for protein. As far as the shakes go, if I'm on low carb day, I mix water, protein powder (1 scoop) and crushed ice and drink it. If I'm on a low gi/gl day I do the same but add raspberries, if I'm on a high gi/gl day, I do the same but instead of raspberries, I put in a whole banana. It's pretty basic but it works for me. They're definitely better with the fruit in them lol.
yeah i get the whole portion method ... just wasn't clear on the shakes, since i'm sure the nutritional makeup of one scoop of powder varies from brand to brand. but the addition of fruit makes perfect sense and sounds like it will definitely make things more palatable!
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