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Health Vent - TMI Alert!

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So, I've struggled for years (since at least as early as my pre-teen days) with UTIs, and nobody really knew why I was so susceptible to them. I wasn't sexually active at the time and I was always super careful about the things that could possibly lead to an infection.


A few months ago, I got another UTI, and the antibiotics helped a lot, but didn't seem to make it go away fully. My Gyno decided to run a few more tests, including a urine dip test, STD tests (even though I knew that wasn't the problem, unless FI has been cheating and I would bet my life on the fact that he hasn't), and a catheterized bladder test. She finally decided that I probably have Interstitial Cystitis (IC) aka Painful Bladder Syndrome. Today she shot irritating liquids into my bladder so I could rate how much it hurt and/or made me want to pee. After that fun, she prescribed me drugs that I'll have to take three times a day for three months before I'm likely to notice a difference.


I just filled the pills and found out that after my insurance pays a couple hundred dollars, I still have to pay $54 out of pocket every month for a drug that may or may not help even after the recommended three month trial period. It also might make parts of my hair fall out.


Overall, I know that this isn't anywhere close to being the worst diagnosis I could get, and that plenty of people deal with a lot worse on a daily basis. It's not life threatening; it's just really uncomfortable to deal with. So, I'm still keeping it real and trying to be thankful that this is the worst of my problems, but I'm still super annoyed that I'm going to be popping these expensive pills several times a day for something they can't even prove that I have.


Blech. Thanks for letting me vent! Hopefully I won't be a bald bride, but I already warned FI that he might not be the only one with a bald spot!

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Good luck! Shop around...you would be surprised at how drug pricing differs between pharmacies...do you have a Costco near you? Also, I'd find out to see if they have a generic version of the medication which would cost you a lot less.


I hope you feel better...If worse comes to worse I definitely think $150 is an amazing deal if it works.

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Originally Posted by Jess View Post
Good luck! Shop around...you would be surprised at how drug pricing differs between pharmacies...do you have a Costco near you? Also, I'd find out to see if they have a generic version of the medication which would cost you a lot less.
Unfortunately, there's no generic or alternative drug or formulation for this yet, otherwise I'd totally jump on that. I'm allowed two more refills at a retail pharmacy, but then I have to order it through an online company affiliated with my insurance (which costs the same as I just paid at CVS) or start paying twice as much at the retail pharmacies. I will shop around, though, and see if someone else sells it for cheaper than CVS and fill it there for the next two fills. Thanks for the idea!
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I hope it works. I agree with others that you should shop around for a different pharmacy. I was getting my bcp filled at Walgreens and they charged me $30 a month after insurance, Target was $9.99 for the same rx. Hopefully these pills work for you and solve the problem!

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I'm sorry you are going through this! I actually had a similar problem about 2 years ago. I was extremely susceptible to UTI's to the point where everytime one cleared up I got another one. I can definitely relate and know how frustrating this can be! I hope everything works out for you.

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This sucks! I also used to be extremely susceptible to UTIs. The one thing that helped me was peeing after sex. Like immediately. I hop out of bed and into the bathroom the minute we are done. I don't know if that will help your situation or if you already do it but I wanted to bring it up!


I can also testify to the prescription price difference. Walmart has their $4 program so a few of my pill are only $4 there now while it's still $20+ at my normal pharmacy.

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