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Exes coming out of the woodwork!

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Ignore him-and try to keep your distance, even innocent interactions can cause the kind of issues you don't want to be anywhere near right now. Just keep your mind occupied with the wedding and your friends.


And BDW, I mean come on....you can't be lonely around here!

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I had a similar situation happen this week. Although, they were not professing their love for me. I know a lot of people disagree with this, but I think you are not truely "over" someone until you can be friends with them and know there are no feelings. I'm not talking about being friends with benefits or friends and still crush on them. I'm talking about straight up just friends. I have been able to do this (after some time...some much more than others) with my exs and it drives my FI crazy. Since I know it drives him nuts I haven't talked to them in years. This week... I got texts from TWO different exs! Pretty much the same texts...Hey is this still your number how are you...type stuff. I just ignored them because my FI and his feelings means more to me than staying in touch/being friends with my exs :)

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Definitely just ignore the contact requests from the exes and try your best to put them out of your mind. Like someone mentioned, they are an ex for a reason. I have not had this situation happen to me because I have moved around a lot and haven't had many around to bother me. And they shouldn't contact me because once it's over for me...it's over!!! No re-dos!! : )

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  • 3 weeks later...

I have had to deal with this also although I was the dumper and he the 'dumpee' and there is always a part of me that feels a bit of guilt for that. It doesn't help that the reason for dumping him only for not being ready to move forward at the time and he was actually an amazing guy. However, life has moved on and I found the guy that I want to spend the rest of my life with. I cut the ex off because the few times we did conversate were only on reminiscing and I would end up feeling really bad at the end of it...had to cut him loose.

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