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Mass picture upload question


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Omg, how the heck did I miss mass pictures?!?! I can't believe I was sitting here all day missing out on more pictures!!! lol


Tammy, I still don't think you can say you only have baby abs, but w/e. I love Cain hugging little cute baby tiger picture! lol. And - did you guys go parasailing while you were there?

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No didn't go Parasailing, wanted to but just ran out of time. We are talking about going back next year for either our one year anniversary or next Christmas to do some Whale watching. Maybe then we'll go.


One day we were sitting, having dinner by the beach and a skydiver was coming in, I STG he all of a sudden plunged to the ground, he was at least 4-5 stories off the ground and went straight down really fast. So after that I wasn't so eager to go. :-)

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Tammy, thanks for the posting of the pix. You remind me in some of the pix of Kelly Rippa. What is the deal with Cain's mom? At times she looked really relaxed and happy, but other times she looked really uptight. His sister looked so proud and happy for you and Cain! One more question...were those guys twins or just brothers?

You look like you had a gas of a time. I am so happy for you both.



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Cain's Ma.. lol.. well I think you hit the nail on the head with that one. She can be nice at times and others down right b*tchy. :-)


Actually that's Cain's Aunt in that picture, she is two years older then Cain, she was a "oh you mean I can still have kids" baby.. :-) Marty pretty much raised her growing up, so we don't even call her Tia. (Aunt)


Ha ha ha,, their brothers. EVERYONE though they were twins because they kept wearing the same outfits the whole trip.. lol (without planning it)

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