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Would not recommend BarryPromos from Ebay


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Hello Ladies,


This is my first negative review so bare with me.


I ordered 150 Koozies from barrypromos off of ebay on July 2nd. His prices were great $128 for 150 personalized Koozies. His communication was also great, when asking him questions prior to selecting the 'BUY NOW' button.


One I purchased and paid for (through paypal) the koozies, communication became very slow and I didn't hear from him for 6 days, July 8th (posting says turn around to get koozies is 10 days). Once the proof was confirmed I never heard back from Barry. I contacted him on July 21, regarding the progress. He said that he would have them in the mail Monday July 27th. I never heard from him on Monday so I emailed him. He stated that they were WAY behind and that he GUARANTEED they would arrive by Friday July 30th. Thursday I emailed him to confirm delivery and he told me he would be unable to deliver by Friday and the earliest he could get them to me was Saturday at noon. Thankfully our AHR was for Saturday evening.


The Koozies have arrived (I have not seen them yet). BUT I would hate for anyone else to have to go through what I did.


I am sure there are other places with better time management that you could get your koozies from.

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  • 4 months later...

I also ordered my koozies from Barrys Promos.


I ended up with a good product at a very reasonable price.


****BUT I HIGHLY RECCOMEND ordering them VERY early. I ordered in Mid September and did not get a proof unitl mid October (4 weeks later) and had the koozies a week later, just in time for Mexico.


So I think the bottom line for me and Barry, is to leave your self PLENTY of time. But he does do decent work at a great price.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...


Just wanted to give an additional update. I purchased from Barry's promos again for koozies for our kickball team.


This second order with him was super fast. From the day I ordered/emailed/paypaled. I had the koozies in had 2 weeks later.


I did have to send a follow up email to confirm my order but got 50 koozies.

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  • 1 month later...

So now I'm worried, I submitted an order to Barry on April 28 and still haven't heard a word. I just emailed him again today to make sure he got my order. I went through his Etsy account and ordered them. He has great prices but very poor response..Luckily, my wedding isn't until the end of July..I hope to hear something soon!!

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