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So very confused on what goes first and this works....please set me straight!!!!

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Ok, so i spend hours on this board...reading, admiring others work, and getting myself all pumped up...BUT i have no clue where to start!!!!


I really LOVE the passport idea..are these used for save the dates or as actual invites? or do you send out just a little save the date, and then send the passports like 6 months before?


Please help me, this debate is becoming a heated one amongst the "planners" aka me, my mom, and the soon to be hubby.



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It's all completely up to you! i did a boarding pass as a STD, and then we are going to have some sort of formal invite (that, I am not making myself!)

MANY have gone boarding pass then the "real invite" is the passport. Equally, some do a passport as a STD and then something else for the invite. Or vice versa, or none at all.

Hopefully I've helped and not made you more confused!

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thanks girls for your input....how does this sound?

the wedding is a year away (almost exactly)...i do have all the information regarding hotel, prices from TA, etc.etc.

would it be weird to use the passports as the STD, and do a formal invite prior to the wedding say like 6 weeks before with an rsvp for the AHR and/or DW?

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Originally Posted by budgetjamaicabride View Post
We sent out little vista print magnets with a note as an STD as soon as we knew the date and location. Invites went out about 5 months ahead and they were boarding passes
This is something that I am planning on doing. I have an idea as to what all I am going to put on the note but what did you put? I just want to make sure I give them as much information as possible :)
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