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Travelling to Jamaica

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Join Date: Jul 2009

Location: Whitby

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Hello Ladies...


How in the world am I going to bring glass down to Jamaica I want to bring glass bowls or candle holders for the tables the night of the wedding, but I think they might break?? I see lots of pics of grls weddings with glass on tables and I wonder if they got them at the resort or brought them down with them?? Please let me know what are my options or how I can transport glass down on the plane


Thank you ladies

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I read somewhere that a bride rolled up clothes like tshirts, underwear, etc and stuffed them inside the glasses/vases, and then also wrapped them in bubble wrap on the outside. I think if you are traveling with any kind of glass you should have a back up plan, just in case....

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Is it possible that you could either get them once you get to Jamaica, or could you borrow (or rent) them from where you are having the reception?


If not, could you get packing material (usually u-haul or moving/storage places have this) and pack them in a box- then carry on the box?



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I agree with both posters, wrap them up in packing material or clothing. Depending on how many you have, I would try to keep them in my carry on. We're going to have the same situation, but we won't have too many to take, so they'll be in our carry ons.

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They let you bring glass on a carry on?? I probably will only have 4 little bowls that I want to put floating candles in!! I thoguht of wrapping them in bubble wrap but they throw those suit cases around so bad lol. Thanks

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