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Neighbors Just Saw Me Naked

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So, this morning I went to start my car and it wouldn't turn. So, I called one of my friends over to jump start it (because FI had already left for work, and none of my neighbors looked home). I knew I had to get my car out of the one-car garage in order for it to be jump started, so I decided it would be a good idea to put it in neutral and slowly back it out. Well, my car started to go downhilll and I lost control of it. It ended up narrowly missing a for sale sign and the house across the street. A few feet further, and it would have dropped down the edge of a cliff. But, it was ok, and all of the property was ok, and my next door neighbor (whose car wasn't there, but had a spare battery charge) came out and helped me out.


Fast forward to the end of the day. I had my battery checked and it's fine so I decided just to run the car for a little bit after I got home to make sure it charges fully. I left it running in the garage with the door half open to prevent fumes from building. I went upstairs to get out of my work clothes. FI said he'd be home in like 10 minutes, but I should be ok to turn it off now. So, I run downstairs naked to turn my car off and my neighbor who helped me out this morning AND his wife and dog were across the street and saw me naked from the waist down!!!


Today has been awesome.

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Aww don't feel bad, my neighbor (an old 80 year old pervert) use to purposely try and spy on me through my bathroom window. Then proceeds to leave me a note asking me to lift the curtains in the future so he would have a better view.... see it could be worse!


I'm sure you neighbors were shocked, but who hasn't been in an embarrassing situation!


You could always joke it off with them later!

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Plausible deniability! It was from the waist down, so they didn't see your face right? Totally never happened if they didn't see your face, wasn't your naughty bits peekin out the garage door.

At least that is what I would convince myself

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