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Dw Q & A

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Ok, I am working on a project for work and would think that this is the best place for me to turn for help.


I have heard so many horror stories of how coordinators do not respond to your questions.


If you could put together a Q&A of just about every question you could possible get an answer for - what would your questions be?


I know you girls with sure help me with this one smile159.gif

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I am not having destination wedding... So, I'm not sure what type of questions I would be asking of the wedding coordinator.

Like... I would want to know about flowers, extra costs... maybe what time the sun sets so i know what time to have the ceremony... that kind of thing.

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OK, so some questions just off the top of my head...

Is there a group discount?

Is there a reward for booking so many rooms?

Are there multiple wedding sites and do you have photos you can e-mail or will I only be able to choose when I get there?

Do you allow outside vendors? Is there a cost?

Do you have day passes for guests staying at different resorts?

Do you offer a private dinner reception area? Is it on the beach, garden, restaurant?

As the Bride & Groom do we receive any perks?

Do you have an on-site spa? Are there any wedding spa packages?

What time is the sun set and the approximate temperature an hour before?

Is there a back up plan if it rains? can I see a photo of the back up plan area?

Does the resort provide centerpieces or will I be responsible for my own?


The list goes on and on and on and on... and i sure hope this is what you were talking about!

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okay, I see, well I am having a semi-DW so I might not be the best person to help, but I wanted to know from my hotel

what is close by to the hotel for guests (like food)

how many rooms need to be booked and how soon before the wedding


hmm I will have to think of more..

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Do you offer multiple weddings a day?

Are there rehersal dinner options?

Can we coordinate a excursion directly through the hotel for our group?

Are the weddings sites private? Does the hotel do anything to protect our privacy during the wedding?

What is your WC's average response time to inquiries?

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Will there be other weddings scheduled for my wedding day?

If so, how closely do you book weddings to each other?

How much time do I/WC have for set up for the ceremony?

How much time do I/WC have for the take-down?

Will you offer a comped site visit for the bride & groom and his/her parents?

Do you have references of previous brides that I may contact?

What time is entertainment required to fininish? Is there an alternate location to extend entertainment?


I'll keep thinking!

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Do you allow for outside food or beverage to be brought in for the reception?

If so, what are your corkage fees, if any?

Do you offer activities, entertainment for children?

Will I be designated to one person at your resort, or will I eventually be transferred to the food & beverage manager or will the WC handle everything?

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