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Yes, I can't believe it is tomorrow and all of my best laid plans to plan out outfits, get in great shape, etc have fallen by the wayside!


Luckily, I did buy one outfit and have some other stuff that I think I could use but I seriously cannot believe how quickly this date has snuck up on me.


Just needed to let out some nervous energy and share with you all!


Quick question- I've tried to read everyone's posts about BD and what they did to prepare but I was wondering what suggestions are out there for relaxing and getting into the right mindset on the day of the shoot?


Any ideas is much appreciated!


Thanks ladies! smile72.gif

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I like the drink ideas! Even if you are still nervous just remember that the nerves will help you do great! I haven't done mine yet but I'm sure once you get started it will be fine! And don't worry about the way you look - just leave it up to the photographer to get great shots with you looking awesome & sexy!

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Ok-- it was so much fun! (Just like everyone says) If you have any reservations about doing a BD shoot don't think about it for one more minute. You will love it!


I can't wait to see my pics! Thanks everyone for your kind words.

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