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Unrealistic Weight loss expectations?

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Looking for encouragement, a reality check, or whatever you can offer me!


I am a dress size 20. I've lost 60lbs in the last 2 years, and I REALLY REALLY want to fit into the size 10 (which from what I understand is a street size 6/8 ) david's bridal (Style: H8665) dress I bought. Luckily I only spent $99 on it, so I can buy another if I have to...BUT I don't want to have to. Lately I have not been eating well because of stress, but I know I can get back on plan and start losing again. I have PCOS so my weight is mainly in my belly. I have no butt, bird legs, and a large chest. I am SO not proportioned right. I am telling you this because while many women my weight (220) might be a size 16/18, I am a 20/22. And I am afraid in order to fit into this size 10 (6/8 ) dress, I'll have to lose an ungodly amount of weight.


Am I setting myself up for failure?


I think I should be able to fit into it around 125-130 lbs. Which is almost a 100 lb lost in a year- about 2 lbs a week. Seemingly doable, right?


Oh I just need to get back on plan and see what I can do :P

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I think you should be really proud of yourself for the 60 lbs you've already lost! That's a huge accomplishment. If it took you 2 years to lose 60 lbs though, maybe setting a goal of losing 100 in one year is unrealistic. That's a lot of weight and the important thing is to be healthy not tiny.

Your FI obviously feel in love with you for many reasons, your body included. You're going to look gorgeous on your wedding day regardless of your dress being a 20 or 10...and I mean who's going to know expect for you anyway?

Concentrate on looking and feeling your best and being healthy and I think the rest will come. You seem motivated and that's so important. Keep up the good work and let us know how you're doing...we're all here to help, motivate and encourage!!

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Hi Mandy,

First let me congratulate you on losing the 60 lbs - that's a huge accomplishment.

But you said it took you 2 years to do that.

2 lbs a week is a little high - as the weight comes off it becomes harder to lose. 1 lb a week is more realistic.

I used to be 225 lbs and a size 22.

i used Weight Watchers and lost 80lbs and also became a trained Weight Watchers leader, but it took me over a year to do that, and I was very consistent.

I know when we have a wedding coming, it's hard not to look at the big picture, but when we make smaller goals, they are more easily attainable.

If you exercise while dieting, the weight will come off faster, and you will shrink inches and be smaller at a higher weight.


My advice would be to get back on whatever plan you were on and make short term goals, with your eye on the bigger one, and add as much exercise into your schedule as you can - you will notice a huge increase in the weight loss.


And don't beat yourself up if you don't lose it all. you are doing the best you can - that's all you can do.

Good Luck!

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Cardo will be your best friend with any weight you are trying to lose. Like someone else said make several small goals, so that you dont feel overwhelmed with your main goal. You are the only one who know what you can accomplish, but you do need to take in account what you have been able to do in the past. I wish you the best of luck.

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Congrats on losing the weight! I also have PCOS so I know how hard it is to lose. About 7 years ago, I lost 160 lbs, so I know it's not easy. I've gained some back now, and I'm afraid to look but I would imagine I weigh about 175. I have never ever gotten below 155, even with working out and not eating for long periods of time.


I think that ultimately you can do anything you want, but that giving yourself a timeline may end up frustrating you, depressing you and stressing you out. All of which, at least if you're like me, cause you to eat. You look amazing the way you are, I think you should just continue doing your thing until 6 months before the wedding and then by a dress the size you are then, knowing they can take it in when you lose more weight.


Good luck!

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Hello ! congrats on losing 60 lb, that's a huge accomplishment.


I dont' know what PCOS is, but even without this, losing 2lb a week seems a lot ! I am on weight watchers too, which is the best way to lose weight consistently and in the long run... and when I do it consistently I lose about 1lb a week. Also, it gets harder towards the end... I'm currently at 163-4 and kind of stuck there... I lose 4 or 5lb in 4 weeks and then I go on vacation or something else and I put them back on.


You can try but don't ruin your health at it ! Also remember that the faster you lose, the more likely to gain the weight back in 1 or 2 years...


If I were you I would enter a program that I would follow up consistently, and see where it takes me. Againm I don't know what PCOS is, but with my wedding-weight of 155 the Davids' Bridal dress I had for my TTD, that was a size 12, was slightly too large. So you might also not need to go down to 125. And the dress might eventually be taken out a little bit ?


Do your best but stay healthy ! I think if you manage to reach 170lb (1 lb week) you will already be so thrilled by the results and your looks !

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Hey Girl congrats on the 60 pounds that is amazing!!!! I have PCOS as well (polycystic ovarian syndrome) underactive thyroid, cysts and nodules on that bad boy too, my body produces too much insulin and tons of other crap and I TOTALLY FEEL YOUR PAIN!!!!!!!!I had an eating disorder in highschool and weighed 108 pounds at my lowest on my 5'8 height, I looked like a 8 year old with a huge head and it was sad because I thought I was still fat. I have A horrible DISTORTED BODY IMAGE, I relapsed 3 years ago and lost 65 pounds and it is just so hard, once your body hits the peak of a weight gain your fat cells always want to be that wEIGHT. After a long long long struggle which we found out rooted back to my elementary school days, I decided to get the lap band. And I am really really happy with it!!!!! I was working out everyday and eating right and gaining weight and that is the worst feeling ever. I love my lap band because it keeps me in control. I am currently doing the HCG diet to get rid of the un neccessary fat I can never get rid of! and Im loving that as well!!! It really helps to keep my lap band in check and Im eating all the right foods. Private message me for more details. I think you might like it! Like I said 60 pounds is such a huge accomlpishment and like my fiance says its not about size or the number on the scale its about how you feel! Setting little goals helps best, I think. Once you accomplish one you can work on another but your constanltly rewarding yourself and that is such A GREAT FEELING!!!


Much love and luck,


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I'm just gonna say first, congrats on your weight loss, that's amazing!


Honestly, I think you can do it, it's a big goal but it's not completely unrealistic. Just eat healthy and don't starve yourself, exercise every day, even if it's 30 minutes a day. Just make sure to focus on ramping up your metabolism, eating enough foods (clean, healthy, fresh fruit, veggies, grains and lean meat) with lots of water and lots of cardio.


Good luck, you should definitely update us on how you do, I'm interested to know. =)

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