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Bridesmaid finanical issue

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I agree with asking her and letting her know she was your first choice.


We asked our siblings to be in our bridal party and they are all coming with financial help from us and parents.


But I asked a couple of other close friends to be "sponsors" (of our lazo, arras, etc.) and two couples were able to scrape the money together for the trip, and the one that can't make it, knows that if we were to win the lottery, they would be on a private plane in a heart beat. In fact, both my friend and her husband processed their passports "just in case" anything changes (unexpected bonus, birthday money, ANYTHING!) and they are touched that we wanted them to be a part of our special day.

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I would ask her because it gives her the chance to decide her finances but also make your other BM's aware so they can try and help her out with the shower and all. I was just in a wedding and the one girl was outta work and just had twins that were in intensive care for most of the planning. Though she stayed strong and helped where she could. We actually became great friends! Money is just an object but friendship is irreplacable.

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This really depends on your bridesmaid... I asked my childhood friend to be my MOH since she always talked about it but told her in advance it was in Mexico so if she couldn't do it I'd understand. She's single, has her own home and doesn't make that much money. She said yes but over the past few months has really made her financial issues known and stressed me out. In the end she's bowing out of the wedding but after quite a bit of unnecessary drama. Hopefully you have better luck...

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I agree...definitely ask. My MOH is in a very bad financial situation as well but we have been inseparable since we were three years old and I can't imagine my wedding without her. She is going to come no matter what it costs her and I am going to try to help as much as I can. Good luck!

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