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Photographer cancelled!

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Hi ladies,


Just need to vent..Im so disappointed right now. Im getting married at the Excellence Playa Mujeres this December and decided to hire a photographer to capture the days event. Although the resort offers a photographer, I didnt care for his pics.

Anyway, my budget was on the smaller side mainly because my FI was going to have a heartattack once I told him I was going to hire another photographer..so to soften the blow I went with a photographer more affordable but who still took nice pics.

Anyway, she cancelled! I did research on her and there wasnt alot, I did see that ONE other bride went through the same thing (this chick cancelled) but I thought to myself things happen and it was a fluke so I hired her. I truly didnt have an reservations.

She is going to return my deposit, but I deleted all the research I did on previous photographers and of course I know my budget will increase.

If worse comes to worse I still have the resort photographer, but seriously, I sent him an email TWICE and he never responded!! The only thing that we are going to walk away with from the wedding are the pics...

ugh..I just needed to get it out..lol.

Ok, im done whinning,..

Have a great day all..

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I'm so sorry for you. I hope you can find another photographer within your price range!! If it can reassure you, resort's photographer are very busy, that is probably why he did not respond to your email yet. Good luck with your search!!!

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I'm so sorry you have to deal with this. Did she give a reason for canceling? Did she give any recommedations on a replacement photographer? Just remember that everything happens for a reason, I'm sure you don't want to deal with this right now, but in the end I'm sure your photos will be wonderful regardless. :-)

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Ohhhh that's terrible but like Tammy said, things happen for a reason. One thing that seems to be consistent is that people that work at the resorts are not the timliest when it comes to response. Maybe you can call the resort photographer rather than email - alot of times phone works better than computer.

Plus, with all of the ladies on BDW, I'm sure there are other recommendations for photographers for that area.

Good Luck!

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  • VIP Member

WOW! that is really sad! i hope you're able to find an even BETTER photographer and still stick within your budget. Just like the ladies above have said, everything happens for a reason. Better to find out now than to find out the day of your wedding or something terrible like that.

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Shucks that is a major blow! But hopefully you will find an even better photographer. have you looked at any of your local photogs in NJ that may be interested in a DW? Then at least you can meet in person for consults and it may make the process a tad bit easier. Best of luck and I hope you find the perfect photog :0)

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Originally Posted by Jennifer Davis View Post
I am so sorry that your photographer cancelled! That's awful. I may still have some information on my computer at home for some of the photographers I was lookiing at if you are interested.

I agree about the house photographer at EPM. I wasn't thrilled with his pics either.

Thanks Jenn, I really would appreciate it! I even told Yamina I never heard from him, and still havent..Im not sweating it too much but I would be lying to say that Im not annoyed.
Thanks sweetie!
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Thank you ladies--Ive been sending out emails since last night..so far no luck, but you know what? Im not even going to sweat it. If I find one that fits the budget,great if I dont, Im gonna pray really hard that the resort photographers pics are amazing considering their part of the package!lol.

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