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ROR chairs...

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Let's face it....the white chairs DO INDEED make the set up look a whole lot prettier....or at least I think they do. All along I said "chairs? who cares about the chairs...Im not paying for nicer chairs...." I thought all the fuss was foolish, and waste of money...but now....now that Im 6 weeks away from my own wedding....you btter believe Im getting those white chairs lol.........may just get the fold out ones...may or may not use the sahs...but either way, Im not using the brown ones. After spending this last year looking at all the pics of everyones ceremony-I agree that the white chairs totally look like they're worth the few extra bucks.....its ridculous that we have to pay for nicer chairs lol..but I guess thats how they make their money......having said that-Im so sick of guests thinking we are not paying for a thing down there......they dont understand why we're getting a professional photographer, dont understand wh we re videoing it...cant believe the price for hair, flowers, people to eat at a private meal and to drink etc etc...you all know the cots Im talking about...its just so annoying when people make comments about how we're "getting away so cheap"....and here I am paying 300 bucks for people to sit in a nice chair......ok, theres my vent lol...sorry-Im finding myself vent sooo much about everything now that we 're so close to our date........


Right back to the chairs.....I like the white ones lol

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Originally Posted by Marie View Post
Let's face it....the white chairs DO INDEED make the set up look a whole lot prettier....or at least I think they do. All along I said "chairs? who cares about the chairs...Im not paying for nicer chairs...." I thought all the fuss was foolish, and waste of money...but now....now that Im 6 weeks away from my own wedding....you btter believe Im getting those white chairs lol.........may just get the fold out ones...may or may not use the sahs...but either way, Im not using the brown ones. After spending this last year looking at all the pics of everyones ceremony-I agree that the white chairs totally look like they're worth the few extra bucks.....its ridculous that we have to pay for nicer chairs lol..but I guess thats how they make their money......having said that-Im so sick of guests thinking we are not paying for a thing down there......they dont understand why we're getting a professional photographer, dont understand wh we re videoing it...cant believe the price for hair, flowers, people to eat at a private meal and to drink etc etc...you all know the cots Im talking about...its just so annoying when people make comments about how we're "getting away so cheap"....and here I am paying 300 bucks for people to sit in a nice chair......ok, theres my vent lol...sorry-Im finding myself vent sooo much about everything now that we 're so close to our date........

Right back to the chairs.....I like the white ones lol

Marie, I totally love your rant, I was like "right on, sista!" The guests just don't get it, do they? About the chairs, yeah, I agree with that too.. I didn't want to pay extra for something like chairs but the pictures in this thread totally changed my mind. And heck, I only plan to do this once so I might-as-well splurge a little. :) Good luck with your wedding in 6 weeks, I still have just over 7 months..
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HAHA! Marie I LOVED your rant. You go girl !!! It is so so true. Why does everyone think destination weddings are free?!?

I'm definately doing the white chairs/sashes and we are having over 50 people too so it is a bit excessive to pay $350 for chairs.I thought the same thing but they look awesome!! Also, I'm not sure what you are doing for a reception but if you are doing a poolside or beach reception, they will use those same chairs to put at the tables for that too so at least they will be used longer than the 15 minute ceremony!

Good luck with the wedding. Please post some feedback to us when you get back!

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Well said Marie!!!! I had no problem telling people from the beginning that we were not having a "free" wedding. It may not cost as much as getting married at home, but it is far from free....and I have the receipts to prove it!


The brown chairs are fine; however, for pictures they do not look as nice as the white folding chairs or the brown chairs with the covers and sashes. I opted for the white folding chairs at $5 each.

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Im soon gonna get kicked off here for my bad attitude, lol...just kidding. Im not all negative...lol.....just a little sensitive, emotional and annoyed at so much these days......my poor poor family n friends-they never hear the end of it! HA!


Ive spent the last year talking about the wedding-and now its coming together-it feels great-we have got a lot accomplished, still have lots left to do...shouldnt let it stress me out.......but I think Im gonna feel this way til Im at the airport! lol


Im constantly asked by friends, co workers and in laws "what could you possibly have to plan for a destination wedding"? Its unbelieveable the time that has gone into it. The research alone. I remember researching Jamaica..then travel agents, then resorts, then operators lol...then how to send out invites....and now all of a sudeen IM EVERYONES travel agent-Im bombarded with everyones questions, concerns...its non stop. People have no idea.....Ive organized programs like any other wedding, decor to take down, which has aken so many trips to Pier One, Winners lol....and online shopping, made our own flowers, getting passports, vaccines(researching that too) lol.always on trip advisor, buying luggage, summer clothes, wedding attire, rings, we're doing guest favours, fans for ceremony- adding ribbons, jewels, sea shells to everything lol....hair extenions lol....tkaing pics of hair, cake, you name it-always at stuff.....my list on my fridge s SOOO BIG.....peoples jaw drop when I start telling them things that need to get done, then when I talk about how we have to pay for people to drink on al all inclusive bar-it drops even further, they're clueless....of course, some people would look at me like Im insane that I wanna spend 7 bucks on a chair.....but they just dont get it...heck-I was one of those people.....just feel like telling people to jam it now lol..


Glad I humored you with my rant, haha, god only knows what peed me off that day....on a better note-my wedding shower is the weekend, thank God-I cant wait to relax and have some drinks and food.....and is it wrong that I wanna spend that night NOT talking about Jamaica, or the wedding?? lol...really...I just want one night with friends and family where I dont have to tell everyone about everything Im doing there-about the resort, about the excursions, about costs etc.....I live and breathe wedding plans now.....mayeb I shouldnt want this on my bridal shower night lol...oh dear lol.......

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