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Toronto Area Girls - Get together!


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So tomorrow is not looking very promising for me either sad.gif. I had voted on the poll for the 7th because I am leaving for a week at the cottage on Sat morning and I have to do all my freaking laundry, shopping and packing tomorrow night sad.gif. Take some pics to post for when I get back!

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Hehe sorry I know I started this thread but because I'm moving to Boston in a week there is just TOO much to do sad.gif I have a work function now on Fri so can't make it.


But I hope you all have fun and perhaps we can have another meetup one time when I am in the city for work!

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Eeee.... I hate to do this but ladies, I think I'm out. I still don't have a reliable car. I was thinking of driving to Milton and taking the GO train and all that jazz but, I think, in the end I am going to pass this time. We should really try again soon though. For all of you that are able to make it, have a great time!

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I might try to stop by if I get done with work early. I don't finish work until 5 usually, and it takes an hour and half or so for me to drive home after. Since I work in the burbs and live downtown cry.gif So I might make it by 6:30 or so if I'm lucky but definitely not for 5pm :S its way to early for me

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So we've hit a minor snag ladies. I just called to make reservations and their not taking any due to the Toronto Argonauts game.


I was going to make the reservation for 5:30 but since that’s a no go we have to divert to plan B. I am finished work @ 5 and I'm only a block away so I can head over there and out a name down (Lee) for 8 people. My guess is we won't get a table until about 5:30 anyways so it's probably not that big of a kink.


This is the list of people I have as coming, if you're not on and want to join just add your name so I can get a table for more people. If you're on and no longer can make it, just let me know that too.


Myself (and a friend might be coming along)







I see these girls have voted for today but I haven’t seen any postings from them. If you’re name is below can you confirm if you’re still able to come?



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