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My first baby question


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i agree that it's rude for people to interject their thoughts on your decisions/fertility. I think people just assume that EVERYONE wants a baby and that's that. Kristy you should just say something crazy to make them feel like an ass.


Luckily, most people have left us alone since BIL just had one- that always helps in deflecting attention away!

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Originally Posted by ~*Kathy*~ View Post
I totally agree with Amy! It is totally unfair for people to judge others just because they don't want to have kids yet...or ever. Some people have actually told me that NOT wanting kids is selfish, but isn't it just as selfish to have a kid just because you want one? Either way, if people want kids then by all means, have them...if people don't want kids then don't have em, who are we to judge? I can't stand when people act all disapointed and sad when you tell them you're not sure you want to ever have kids.
I couldn't have said it better myself. To each their own...if kids and/or a huge family fit in your lifestyle I'm happy that that makes you happy. If no kids and a different path are what someone wants...I'm happy that makes you happy. Why can't some people just be a bit more open minded and less judgemental! In the end it's YOUR decision so why does everyone feel like they have to be in your business??
On a side note..I'm pregnant. JUST KIDDING :) felt like lightening the mood :):)
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I hear you Yamille... I have heard the gammut of comments...

- you aren't getting any younger

- how can you plan for next spring... you might be big and pregnant by then (thanks mom)

- if you are planning a family, we'll have to do some internal rearranging (thanks boss).



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Originally Posted by Amarillis View Post
I hear you Yamille... I have heard the gammut of comments...
- you aren't getting any younger
- how can you plan for next spring... you might be big and pregnant by then (thanks mom)
- if you are planning a family, we'll have to do some internal rearranging (thanks boss).

eek.gif eek.gif eek.gif eek.gif eek.gif eek.gif
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So, I went to my dentist just before our wedding - she knew I was about to get married and she asks if we are going to start a family right away.. Then she said - well, you know, once you get beyond a certain age it gets a lot riskier... WHAT?? If that was my ob/gyn, fine I would understand her saying that but my DENTISThuh.gif I answered, did my mom pay you to say that?? :)

I am 31 so I'm not that young, but I still think I have some time :)

Whenever I tell my dad if one of my friends is having a baby now, he says well, I'll bet there parents are so happy - subtle, huh? :) LOL

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