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ROR Steaming facilites!

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Ok, so this never crossed my mind until i went to pick up my dress and the lady told me my dress might need steaming when i get there to get the creases out. Do they have any sort of steaming facilities at ROR?? Im assuming they should have something as everyone will have the same problem?!?!?

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They do not. I did not need to have my dress steamed, but I think you have a few options. I think someone on here had Chandlyn take the dress in town to have it steamed. The other option is to hang it in the bathroom and turn the shower on really hot. I hope that helps.



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My MIL brought a hand-held steamer, but we didnt need it. Its so friggin humid down there. Trust me, I shoved and crumpled up my dress in a tiny overhead compartment on the plane and it had no wrinkles after hanging it up in our room's closet. No problem, mon. :)

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