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The Bachelor Party.....

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etiquette schmetiquette. This is a great idea and so thoughtful of you to give your man a guy's night. They totally need them- even after the "I do's". Don't sweat it- you did nothing wrong. Seriously, who could complain about someone funding a fun night out for them?

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I'm glad it doesn't sound to crazy.



His friend called today. They're thinking about just having it at someone's house and getting some dancers. I'm totally on board with that-I'm sure it's way cheaper than paying for a VIP package at the bar and that way he'll be somewhere he can pass out if he needs to. I'll get him a bottle or two of his favorite booze, pay for pizza and girls and let them take care of the rest.

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I totally had to initiate DH's party and he has a ton of friends who's parties he's planned and his brother is only 90 or so miles away. And even though I did initiate it, DH ended up having to actually plan it himself, his buddies just sort of went along for the ride. I was pretty annoyed with all of them for not stepping up more, but what can you do I guess. He had a good time and that's really all that matters in the end. I say, do whatever you can to help him have a memorable party that he can reminisce over for years to come. ;-)

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