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Bachelorette Party divided group....

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So, my MOH's plan for my bach party is to stay local and just get a limo and go out to the bars - simple and not too costly for those friends who are still going to our DW.


The limo can only fit so many girls, so I was hoping I could divide the invite somehow and basically have the close group (like my bridesmaids and MOH) in the limo and have everyone else meet up with us out at night.


any ideas?

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What about getting a bigger limo, like a hummer or something that could hold up to 18-20 people? Or is your group bigger than that?

If not, just state on the invitation to the rest of the group that the party starts at X time at X place. I personally wouldnt feel shafted if i wasnt party of the wedding party so didnt go in the limo, but only you know how your freinds would react.

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I am not sure how I'd feel as a guest if I met you out for your bachelorette party and you arrived with only some of the guests in the limo and I wasn't invited to participate. Can you somehow offer that people that want to meet up and travel by limo let you know so you can book 1 or 2 and give an estimated range of cost. That way, people can opt out of limo if they don't want to pay, but at least they were given the option and it won't cost you more money. Or when people rsvp you can ask them too.


Just a thought, otherwise I feel like your invite becomes an A List and a B List and no one likes to be on the B List!

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yeah can you get a bigger limo so you don't leave anyone out? and then just divide the cost up? that way if people don't want to pay they can go seperately - but at least you included them (then you can go with the smaller limo at that point if a lot of girls don't want to pay)

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Sorry to say this but I think you need to include them if possible. Possibly your MOH can send an email saying: We are doing bachelorette party at X starting at X, we are also thinking of taking a limo there if you want to ride in the limo please let us know so we can get the appropiate size. That way people have the choice.

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Yeah, we could get another limo if we need to. I like the idea if my MOH send out a preliminary evite to get the number of girls who want the limo. Because I do know that some girls wont feel the need to spend the extra money and will want to just meet up with us.

Ok, I got it. thanks for the input girls!

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