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So we spent the weekend in New York and told most of the family about the wedding location. We got pretty good feedback.


Of course grandma who has never left NY will not get on a plane, but we knew she wasn't going to make it unless the wwedding was in NY.


Most of FI's friends said count us in, even the ones with kids and even the pregnants ones that I didn't expect to come said to count them in.


So out of the 20 or so people we told the majority are really excited about it. The older generation people, such as his parents brothers and sister are the ones less excited about it, regarless what they say you can see the expressions on their faces.


we tried to explain our reasoning is that we live in Vegas all by ourselfs and me miss our family so much that we want to spend more time with them than the 5 minutes at a typical wedding saying thanks for coming. Most understood how we felt. wink.gif

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I had similar reactions from the older crowded. A lot of my guests have never been to an all inclusive resort or out of the country for that matter. So it's going to be a whole new experience for them and it was really hard explaning that yes it seems like a lot of money but it includes everything!

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That's great news! Isn't it great to get positive feedback?! :-)


Just as a word of caution - don't get too excited about all the "count us in's" ... simply b/c if it is anything like ours - we had a LOT of people say they were coming and then not be able to or simply not follow through. Hopefully Vegas will be easier for more family and friends to make for you. And oh what fun!!!

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