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Finally! Closing on Monday!

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I guess this is sort of an update from my previous thread...




After searching long and hard I found a company that was willing to try and refinance my house! (Metlife) They didn't think there would be any problem with getting a high enough number on the appraisal, not only that but they approved me at like 5.25% (which is amazing with my past credit). So we pushed forward! There was a very hecktic weekend right before the apprasial that tested my relationship with FI- we remodeled a bathroom and did a gazillion other finish up projects in the course of one weekend! We didn't sleep. We fought. I cried. We worked right up until the morning the appraiser came!


... Fast forward... We got the number we needed! And its finally though underwritting and I just got an email that we close on Monday!


I am so flipping excited I can't contain myself! woot.gif


Thank you everyone for all your support during this struggle in my life, it means the world to me!

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