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Potential July 2010 Cabo Wedding - Questions!

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Hi All! I am recently engaged and looking into Cabo for my wedding next year. My fiance and I both love the 4th of July and it happens to be a long weekend for most, so we think it could be perfect.


Are there any other July Cabo brides out there? Can you tell me a little about the weather, I know it's usually hot, but is it unbareable?


Also, pardon if this is a silly question, I know it's Mexico, but I also know there are a lot of Americans in Cabo, is there any sort of 4th of July type celebration that goes on? A lot of tourists, etc.?



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Congratulations on your engagement.


Indeed July is Hot, but not as hot as August.


July 4th is a great idea for your wedding, just remember that next year it'll be a Sunday, so your prices might increase since, most of the vendors don't work on sundays.


Do you have a location?


Usually hotels and some restaurants celebrate the Independence day with buffets, special menus, fireworks... The whole nine yards.


Feel free to ask anything.


Happy planning

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We are looking at Cabo Surf hotel! We love it there and most of our family members/friends have a long weekend for the 4th, we figure a long weekend will make it easier for people to travel.


Does Cabo Surf specifically do anything like fireworks, etc.? We may just buy our own :)

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We are getting married at Dreams on June 25, 2010 so we are also a bit concerned with the heat. Cabo is extremely breezy since it is at the tip of the Pacific and Sea of Cortez, so we are hoping it won't be too bad. I'm thinking of purchasing some parasails or woven fans to help during the ceremony. If you have any additional insight, let me know!

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Originally Posted by caligirl1282 View Post
Congrats on your engagement! I just got back from Cabo from a trip from July 3rd on. It was pretty hot down there but nice. I would say it was around 85-100 (this was the last day and a little unbearable if not near water). There were some firework celebrations but I didnt see any parties or Americans around. That being said I was on a boat all day so I wasnt in town much. If you have any other questions, let me know. I am getting married there in May because my WC said that is the best weather month and I am buying my own fireworks show :)
Where are you getting your fireworks from? I love fireworks and was just thinking of doing dinky sparklers for our dance but if I could get the real deal, that would be amazing!! :)
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